Seek God Early

Joseph Prince Devotional 6th October 2024 – The Secret To Receiving Your Miracle


Daily devotion by Joseph Prince  (Daily Grace Inspirations ) for today is here.  The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you. Remember to share it with someone.

Daily Grace Inspiration by Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince Daily Devotional

The topic of Joseph Prince Devotional for 6th October 2024 Is “The Secret to Receiving Your Miracle”

Scripture:  Galatians 3:5 NLT

I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ.

I attended a conference years ago and remember hearing about all kinds of things that we had to do to work the miracles of God. For instance, we were told that we had to pray long prayers.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying that there is no place for long prayers.

I love going to my Abba to just spend time talking to Him. I have also taught our church about the importance of praying, especially praying in the Spirit regularly. But is the secret to having miracles take place in your life found in praying, or even in fasting forty days and forty nights, as others say?

Some people think they can twist God’s arm with their efforts and convince Him that they deserve a breakthrough or miracle from Him. Do you really think that because you have fasted or prayed for long periods of time, God is impressed with you and has to answer your prayers?

Come on, my friend, the only reason God answers our prayers today is the finished work of Jesus. Don’t be deceived any longer. God is a debtor to no man. No man can deserve God’s blessings through his self-efforts. It is not about our sacrifices. It is about His sacrifice!

All God sees is the work of His Son on the cross, and by virtue of Jesus, all His blessings and His miracle-working power are yours when you believe in His Son.

Read today’s scripture carefully for what Paul said to the Galatians who were depending on their self-efforts. Then, consider all the people who received miracles from Jesus during His ministry on earth.

Not a single one of them deserved it. They did nothing to earn their miracles. They simply received their miracles because of His grace.

A few years ago, the Lord spoke to me and said, “When My people see My grace, I see their faith.” Do you remember the woman with the issue of blood who had been bleeding for twelve years?

According to the law of Moses, she was considered unclean and was not supposed to be out in public places, much less touch anyone. Yet, the Bible tells us that “when she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment” (Mark 5:27).

She must have heard the wonderful testimonies of the people Jesus had touched and healed, and these accounts opened her eyes to see Jesus as a gracious Savior overflowing with mercy and compassion.

The result? Faith ignited in her and the moment she touched the hem of His garment, she received her miracle.

Was she ever conscious of her faith? No, she was conscious only of Jesus and His grace. When she saw His graceHe turned around and saw her faithWith great tenderness, He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well” (Mark 5:34).

My friend, you do not have to try to conjure up faith for healing or finances. Faith for any breakthrough or miracle in your life springs forth when you see His grace.

He died so that you might live! You did not deserve it, but He still did it for you.

See Jesus on the cross for you—the demonstration of His unconditional love and amazing grace. And when you see His grace, you will have unconscious faith to receive your miracle!

Daily Grace Inspiration is a daily devotional written by Joseph PrinceHe is the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. [ more..]

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