Looking for apt text messages to express exactly how you feel towards your parents, spouses, friends, family and loved ones? You’ve made the right stop! Here is a collection of text messages for your loved ones.
Dear mom, to a joyful present and a well-remembered past, I make a toast to you this Christmas with all of my heart. Merry Christmas, mother.
They say that friends are the family you choose. Thank you for making friendship with you one of my best decisions this year. And what better time to tell you than in the season of merry? With huge loads and packs of love; Merry Christmas, buddy.
A bunch of know Christmas is amazing, but only in the faint idea of the merriment of the season. I pray that this significance of Jesus’ birth be realer to you this season. Sending you sincere prayers and hearty greetings. May you receive the most special of God’s blessings. Merry Christmas.
The true meaning of Christmas is giving and sharing love and reaching out to those who have touched our lives. It is a time to count our blessings and be grateful for them. You have touched my life in so many ways, and I thank you for being a wonderful friend. I wish you the best of the season. Merry Christmas.
Amidst the soulful Christmas carols, may this season grant you many uncountable wishes. May your heart find true joy from here and beyond. Merry Christmas, dear one.
Sending thoughtful wishes your way; of joy and unending testimonies. I wish you light to dispel any darkness, and more importantly, that see Christmas through the eyes of a child. A toast to peace, to joy, and plenty; Merry Christmas.
Here is hoping you sparkle and shine during this festive season. May all your dreams and wishes come true.
What can you wish for Christmas than many blessings, happiness, and even more love than the previous year? I am grateful for your presence in my life. I couldn’t have asked for more. You have my love and unabashed affection. Merry you today, tomorrow and forever. Merry Christmas, my dear.
Christmas comes with heavenly gifts and magic. May these gifts gladden your heart as you experience the wonder of love. Laugh wholeheartedly and make the most of the goodness of the season. You deserve it!
Looking at our children, I can’t help but smile and feel blessed that I chose to spend my life loving you. They are evidence of how much we loved and how long we’ve stayed in love. Looking forward to a much happier life with you! Merry Christmas to this merry family. I love us.
A husband like you is everything I need to have for wonderful Christmas. Having you lets me be sure that I won’t be lonely or unloved this Christmas, just like having Jesus lets me be sure that I’ll never be lonely or unloved any time of year. Merry Christmas, hubby.
When you are weak, may Christ be your strength. And if you are sad, may His love bring joy to your heart. When you are in despair, may you find comfort in the love of Jesus. I know that things haven’t been easy, but Merry Christmas in-between because this same Jesus will solve it.
May you feel God’s presence in the candles that softly spread their glow at Christmas and may you experience the wonder of His abiding love, as He guides you, through each day of the coming year. May God’s Blessings be with you. Merry Christmas, my guy
As lovely as the holidays can be, they can also make people feel down and stressed. I know this can be a difficult time of year, and I want you to know that you’re not alone. I’m sending you my warmest seasons greetings and lots of love.
May the magic of the Christmas season fill your home with joy and peace. Sending lots of love to your family, and looking forward to the day we can see you again. Take care of yourselves and stay safe.