Billy Graham daily devotional is here. Enhance each day with verses from the Bible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. You will find the strength, peace and comfort you need to strengthen your walk with Christ..
The Topic of Billy Graham Devotional for 6th April 2025 is “Know the Bible”
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 34:16 (TLB)
Search the Book of the Lord . . .
A knowledge of the Bible is essential to a rich and meaningful life. For the words of this Book have a way of filling in the missing pieces, of bridging the gaps, of turning the tarnished colors of our life to jewel-like brilliance.
Learn to take your every problem to the Bible. Within its pages you will find the correct answer. But most of all, the Bible is a revelation of the nature of God. The philosophers of the centuries have struggled with the problem of a Supreme Being.
Who is He? What is He? Where is He? If there is such a Person, is He interested in me? If so, how can I know Him? These and a thousand other questions about God are answered in this Holy Book we call the Bible.
Prayer for the day
How glorious it is to read Your Word and learn more of You, my Savior and my Lord!
Billy Graham’s Devotional for Today was Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same read more
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