Adrian Rogers Devotional ( Love Worth Finding ) for today is available here. Love Worth Finding is a “profound truth simply stated”. Read and be blessed.

The Topic of Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Daily Devotional For Today 22nd May 2024 is “What is Real Peace?”
Sermon: 1663 The Priority of Peacemaking, Part 1
Pray Over This:
“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15
Ponder This
Until you’re right with God, you’re going to be a troublemaker, not a peacemaker. True peace is only possible through Him. What do we mean by peace? Peace is not appeasement. Appeasement never brings peace. And don’t think that you’re mandated to get along with everybody. There is something wrong with the person who can get along with everybody. Jesus Christ did not get along with everybody, and everybody did not get along with Him. Peace is also not truce-making. A truce may only mean the recess of hostilities. But the conflict can go underground to fester and grow and then perhaps to break out again.
In the Old Testament, and today, modern Jews greet one another with the word Shalom, and that word means, “peace.” When you meet somebody and you say Shalom, that doesn’t mean, “May you get out of war”; it means the deeper peace that only God can bring.
Who do you struggle seeking peace with?
Why is it important to understand that peace is the presence of God’s rule in your heart rather than merely the absence of conflict?
Practice This
Seek peace with another as the Lord leads you this week.
Love Worth Finding daily devotional is published by the Love Worth Finding Ministries. The ministry was founded in 1987 by Adrian Rogers where he also served as a Bible teacher.
Known for his unique ability to simplify profound truth so that it can be applied to everyday life, Adrian Rogers was one of the most effective preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. Read More
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