Towards making the most of our soul-winning endeavour both as individuals and partnerships
…Ecc. 10:15/ Pro. 21:22…
Preparation is fundamental to the outcome of any engagement – Pro. 16:1/ Eph. 6:12-15
Soul winning is warfare – Luk. 10:1-2/17-19/ Luk. 11:21-22/ 2 Cor. 4:4
But it is strategy that wins the war not strength – Ecc. 9:14-15/18
Among others, soul winning is a spiritual goldmine – Luk. 4:32-34/ Mat. 17:26-27
But God does not reward efforts made, He rewards results obtained – Dan. 12:3/ Luk. 19:13/17-19
In addition, every soul winner is a fisherman – Mat. 4:19/ Luk. 5:10
But a fisherman must be wise – Pro. 11:30/ Dan.12:3
Many of us may have been fishing in the shallow waters, where people hardly have a catch; now it is time to launch out into the deep – Luk. 5:5-8
The following Ten kits will definitely enhance our output in soul winning endeavours.
1. What to Pray Before Setting out:
- Pray for divine direction as to where to go for the harvest to avoid waste – Luk. 10:1-2/ Gal. 2:8
- Pray for the enduement of the Spirit of wisdom, because wisdom will always secure audience – Deut. 34:9/ Pro. 21:22/ Jam.1:5-7
- Pray for supernatural utterance that provokes conviction unto salvation – Act. 2:37-41- Eph. 6:19
- Pray for the Spirit of God to open the heart of every contact to the Word – Act.16:14
- Pray for the sent Word, for that is what God will confirm – Psa.107:20/ Job 6:25
- Pray for boldness in declaring the word of life – Eph. 6:19/ 2 Thes. 3:1
- Pray in the Spirit to clear all satanic hindrances on the way – Eph. 6:12-18
- Give thanks for the anticipated bountiful harvest – Jhn. 6:6-12/ Jer. 30:19…
……and many more as may be inspired.2. Go with the consciousness and mindset of one that is sent – Mak. 16:15-17/ Mak.13:37/ 2 Cor. 5:17-20
3. Go with the consciousness and mindset of one empowered for the task – Jhn.15:16/ Mat. 10:1/ Luk. 9:1-2
4. Go with the consciousness and mindset of one sent to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, etc. – Mak. 6:7/12-13/ Luk. 9:1-2/6
5. Speak as one having authority – Mak. 1:29/ Luk. 9:36
6. Go with faith in the One that sent you and what He sent you to deliver – Luk.1:45/ Jhn.6:28-29/ Mak.16:15-17/20
7. What to say first to your Contact; ‘‘Peace be unto you in Jesus’ name!’’ either in your heart or with your mouth, depending on the disposition of the individual – Luk.10:5/ Mat.10:12-14/ Isa. 52:7
8. As witness of Christ and messengers of the liberation mandate, we must keep to the liberation message, that is, “preaching the word of faith to liberate the world from all oppression of the devil” – Act. 1:8/ Jonah. 3:1-6/ Luk.10:9The following among others can form our topical subject for sharing, because a Word in season will always bring about a refreshing, which is a product of repentance – Isa. 50:4:
a. We live in a troubled world, but Jesus came to make us overcomers – Jhn. 16:33/ 1 Jhn. 5:4
b. We are in a turbulent world, but he came to give us peace – Mat. 11:28-29/ Jhn.14:27
c. We are in embattled world against the powers of darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world, and He came to rescue us from the Kingdom of darkness unto the Kingdom of Light – Jhn. 8:12/ Eph. 6:12/ Col. 1:13
d. Every child of God is a child of Light, and as long as he keeps walking in the light, darkness has no power over him – Eph. 5:8/ 1 Thes. 5:5/ 2 Cor. 2:14 - Can darkness oppress Light?
- Can darkness sit on the destiny of Light?
- Can darkness block the way forward against Light?
- Can darkness bring down Light?
- Only Light can bring down darkness.
e. We live in a world of uncertainties, but Christ came to give us a living hope/ the hope that makes not ashamed – 1Pet. 1:3-4/ Ecc. 9:4/ Rom. 5:5
f. Christ is the answer to all bugging questions of life – Jhn 10:10/ Act. 5:20 - But only those who ask questions are entitled to answers – Jer. 33:3
- We serve a question answering God as illustrated by the following:
– What shall I do to inherit eternal life? – Mak. 10:17-21
– Men and brethren, what shall we do? – Act. 2:37-38
– What must I do to be saved? – Act. 16:33
– Who shall deliver me from this body of death? – Rom.7:24-25g. Christ still delivers today – Act. 10:38 - Light is the answer to all the harassment of the power of darkness.
- When the light of life breaks forth into our hearts, darkness loses its grip off our lives.
- When Christ, the Light of the world walked the planet earth, satanic powers could not stand His presence – Mat. 8:28-29/ Luk. 9:33-34
9. Wherever applicable, engage with a soul-winning partnership, it is the Jesus’ system for impactful soul-winning endeavours – Mak.6:7/ Luk.10:1-2/ Ecc.4:9-12
10. Finally, ensure to put on the whole armor of God as you step out – Eph. 6:10-12/ 2 Cor. 10:3-4 - Anoint yourself. You can also take your bottle of anointing oil along with you – Isa. 45:1-3/ Psa. 109:13-15/ Mak. 6:7/12-13
- Take along your prophetic mantle believing that whatever answers to your prophet must answer to you – 2kgs.2:12-15/ Act. 19:11-12
……Etc, etc…
In conclusion, it takes the joy of the Lord both to secure our harvest and rewards – Joel. 1:12/ Deut. 28:47-48/ Hab. 3:2/17-19
Remain Ever Blessed!
Bishop David O. Oyedepo