Every month, a spiritual focus is employed to give value and meaning to every activity in the winners family. A word from the Lord is revealed to every worshipper across the globe via a release from God’s servant. Bishop David Oyedepo. In this post, you will find the theme and books for the month of OCTOBER 2023.

Covenant highway greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe God has placed in our hands the required keys for continuous guidance in the race of life through diverse encounters with the Word all through the month of September and may none of us miss our steps again in the pursuit of God’s agenda for our lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the great month of October 2023?
The Holy Spirit is referred to by Christ as the Comforter, which literarily means Helper – Jhn 14:26
As we all know, man will always need help to overcome the battles of life, which in most cases appears stronger than we are – Dan. 3:17-18/ Dan. 6:10-23
The Holy Spirit is God’s indwelling presence, both with us and in us – Jhn 14:16-18/ 1 Jhn 4:16-18
This is why the Holy Spirit is not just the Spirit of power, He is also the Spirit of grace, our helper in times of need – Act. 4:29-33/ Heb. 10:29
While the Holy Spirit is one Spirit, He manifests Himself in diverse ways – 1 Cor. 12:4-5
For example, there were seven Spirits of God at work in Christ, that is, the Spirit of the Lord (the Anointing/ power), knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, might and the fear of the Lord (Holiness) – Isa. 11:1-2
Furthermore, we have the following engracement of the Holy Spirit in scriptures, which defines divine enablement/help towards fulfilling our glorious destiny in Christ. This multifaceted engracement of the Holy Spirit include the following:
- The Spirit of Revelation, which enables our access to the deep things of God – Eph. 1:17-18/ 1 Cor. 2:10
- The Spirit of Prayer and Supplication, which enables us for effectual fervent prayer that engenders impact – Zch. 10:12/ Rom. 8:26
- The Spirit of Faith, that enables us to believe all things revealed to us from time to time – 2 Cor. 4:13/ Act. 24:14
- The Giving Spirit, which enables us to give our way to the realm of financial fortune – 2 Cor. 8:1-7
- The Spirit of Stewardship, which enables us to be steadfast in our stewardship, so as to maximize returns on our labour – Isa. 42:1-2/ Mat. 24:45-47/ Gal. 6:9
- The Spirit of Love, which turns believes to living wonders – 2 Tim. 1:6-7
- The Spirit of Guidance, which enables us to be continuously guided, so we can be like watered garden with no more dry season – Jhn 16:12-14/ Isa. 58:11-14/ Isa. 48:21
- The Spirit of Sanctification, which enables us to live a life that pleases God, thereby making us heaven ready – 1:4/ 1 Cor. 6:9-11
…..and many more
We shall be focusing on various dimensions of the Holy Spirit all through the month of October 2023
Therefore, the Prophetic Focus for The Month of OCTOBER 2023 Is: I Will Not Leave You Helpless – John 14:16-18

I Will Not Leave You Helpless – John 14:16-18
Winners Recommended books of the month Of October 2023 authored by Bishop David Oyedepo include:
- Not by Power nor by Might
- Anointing for Breakthrough
- Understanding the Anointing
- Anointing for Exploits
- Release of Power
- Manifestation of the Spirit
(All these titles are also available on , Amazon store and Apple online store)
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo