TREM devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo is a daily devotional to discern God’s thoughts and remember that He loves us. This word of God is a powerful tool to unlock our potential and encourage us to grow. Read and share with someone today.

The Topic of Trem Devotional for 29th May 2024 “You Have Been Sealed By God”
Memorise: Ephesians 1:13 (KJV)
“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.”
Click here to read yesterday’s devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo
You have been sealed by God. The word ‘Seal’ means the impression obtained by the royal seal. It is the mark or symbol attached to a legal document. It also means to authenticate. It means anything that is tightly or loosely closed. It means to secure a thing. It is anything that serves as an assurance and a confirmation. It is something that serves as a testimony. A seal gives a guarantee. A seal gives a certification. It is a signature on a document. A seal speaks of ownership. In other words, this belongs to me. Don’t counterfeit it! Don’t touch it; it belongs to me! A seal shows something that you cannot revoke.
When you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. It is a seal of ownership. No devil can tamper with that seal. By implication, no devil is permitted to touch you. You have been sealed. In other words, no evil penetrates. The devil cannot take over what God has put in you.
You must become aware of the things that have been made available to you. This enables you to stand boldly and withstand the vicissitudes of life and the challenges coming upon mankind. When you don’t know what has happened to you in salvation, you will become cheap prey in the hands of the enemy.
The word Salvation, in our text, is a robust word that is much more than saving you from sin and saving you from hell. It applies to the present time and the world to come. And so, if you are just looking at the life after and not applying it to the present day, you will be saved and still live a defeated life. But defeat is not your heritage. Therefore, never settle for defeat in any area of your life.
Further Reading: Ephesians 1:1-13
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 7-9; Evening- John 11:1-29
This TREM daily devotional is written by Bishop Mike Okonkwo who is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto God. {…Read more….}
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