TREM devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo is a daily devotional to discern God’s thoughts and remember that He loves us. This word of God is a powerful tool to unlock our potential and encourage us to grow. Read and share with someone today.
![Trem Devotional For Sunday 27th August 2023 – Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone 1 TREM Devotional Bishop Mike Okonkwo](
The Topic of Trem Devotional for 27th August 2023 “Step out Of Your Comfort Zone”
Memorise: 1 Samuel 17:48 (NLT)
“As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.”
Click here to read yesterday’s devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo
I am challenging you today to move out of that place of complacency. This year must be filled with outstanding testimonies for you. This year must answer to you. I am looking forward to hearing about your great exploits. For this to happen, you must arise. Albert Einstein once said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” The question is what have you done differently? How have you stepped out of your comfort zone to ensure that your goals become a reality? Have you approached that difficult issue with doggedness, saying? Have you said to yourself: ‘There must be a way, I must find a way to get it done’?
We are all very familiar with the story of David and Goliath. David brought down the giant that was terrorizing the entire city. David ran towards Goliath. Imagine an enormous and terrifying giant approaching you. The normal reaction is to take off in whatever direction you can, and hide yourself, but not David, “…he quickly ran out to meet him.” That action alone aided David’s victory because I can bet you Goliath was not expecting it. And so the shock alone from this little guy running quickly towards him must have destabilized him, and before he knew it, the stone sunk into his skull, and he was on the ground. Why? Because one person understood who he was in Christ and decided to act differently. When you truly understand who you are, you won’t act and respond to situations like everyone else, you will be different.
Child of God, you must step out of your comfort zone this year! The question is what are you going to do differently to get a better result? How are you going to reposition yourself to enjoy all that God has in store for you? This is your year and it is irreversible. But you must not do the same things you did last year, if not, you will remain in the same position.
Further Reading: 1 Samuel 17:40-54
Daily Bible Reading:
Morning- Psalms 120-122;
Evening- 1 Corinthians 9
This TREM daily devotional is written by Bishop Mike Okonkwo who is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto God. {…Read more….}
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