Seek God Early



TREM devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo is a daily devotional to discern God’s thoughts and remember that He loves us. This word of God is a powerful tool to unlock our potential and encourage us to grow. Read and share with someone today.

TREM Devotional Bishop Mike Okonkwo
TREM Devotional Bishop Mike Okonkwo

The Topic of Trem Devotional for 16th December 2023 “Step out In Obedience”

Memorise: “And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him”. Genesis 22:3 (KJV)

Click here to read yesterday’s devotional by Bishop Mike Okonkwo


Abraham was a man subject to passion like you. At 75, he began to wait for God’s promise. Later in life, he entered into a problem. The wife suggested that probably God was going to bless him through their maid, Hagar. In those days, it was acceptable for somebody to have a baby for you. Abraham went into Hagar and got Ishmael. But God said to him, this is not the promise I made. You can’t help me. That mistake shows you that he is still human, but God did not set him aside.

In the book of Genesis 17:1, God said to Abraham: “…walk before me and be thou perfect”. In other words, stop vacillating, and stay in one place. I am your El-Shaddai, the God that is more than enough. God can set aside natural laws and execute whatever He has spoken with His lips. So Abraham started to wait on God. And the promise finally came to pass. “…Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, …” (Genesis 21:2 KJV)

Then God said to Abraham; take your son, your only son Isaac; the one you love. Not just anyone, but the one you love. Take him as a sacrifice for me, in a mount that I will show you. Abraham did not consult with flesh and blood, because if he had done that, they would have told him not to do it. But he took his son Isaac, put on him the wood, and took the knife, the fire with the servants, and left for the mount that God showed him. Mount Moriah is a group of mountains but there is a particular place. God will not show you the particular place until you take the step. When you take that right step in the direction of God’s leading, He will distinguish you among your equals.

Further Reading: Genesis 21:1-8; Genesis 22:1-9

Bible Reading: Morning- Amos 4-6; Evening- Revelation 7
This TREM daily devotional is written by Bishop Mike Okonkwo who is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto God. {…Read more….}

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