God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! These daily inspirations will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and equip you to be everything God intends you to be. – Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Daily Inspiration for Today 26Th May.
You may be in a dry season now, things are not changing, you’re dealing with loneliness, a problem at work, struggling in your finances. You could easily live sour, give up on your dreams, think nothing good is in your future. No, God is saying a super bloom is coming. Seeds that you thought were dead are coming back to life. Prayers that your loved ones prayed are going to be answered through you. You’re about to blossom. You’re about to flourish, see new growth, new relationships, greater influence, greater favor.
Now, keep doing the right thing when it’s hard. Keep being good to people that are not good to you. Keep praising in the dry season; keep thanking God even when there’s excessive rain. He sees your faithfulness. He sees your commitment. He’s not just going to bring you out. We’d be grateful if we just got through it, but He’s going to make the enemy pay. He’s going to bring you out better, increased, promoted, stronger, happier, healthier, at a new level of your destiny.
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Read Joel Osteen Daily Devotional 26Th May 2023
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