God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! These daily inspirations will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and equip you to be everything God intends you to be. – Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Daily Inspiration for Today 14Th April.
The Scripture says, “Jesus endured the pain of the cross looking forward to the joy that was coming.” When He was being mocked by the soldiers, beaten with whips, nailed on the cross. He was at a deficit. It looked like the enemy got the best of Him. People thought if He is who He really says He is, He would come down off that cross. He wouldn’t be up there defeated. All the circumstances said He was done. But God has the final say. He won’t let you get into a problem that He can’t bring you out of. The odds may be against you, but the Most-High God is for you.
We can all look back and see mistakes we’ve made, things we should have done better. It was our fault. We think we just have to live with it. But God is saying, “I’ve already taken care of your mistakes. I’ve already dealt with your past. I’ve already defeated what should have stopped you. I’ve already moved the wrong people out of the way.” Your mistakes didn’t stop your purpose. Don’t sit on the sidelines thinking you can’t fulfill your destiny.
This is a new day. God has forgiven your sins; He has mercy for your mistakes. Nothing you’ve done has to keep you from your purpose. Now you have to do what God requires. The enemy is defeated. Rise up and go after your dreams. Take possession of what God promised you. Be inspired by this message from Joel, “It’s Already Defeated”.
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Read Joel Osteen Daily Devotional14TH APRIL 2023
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