Seek God Early

Teevo For 9th September 2023 – Stronger And More Glorious


The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo 2023 is a daily devotional for teens. It is designed to inspire, encourage and strengthen you by providing you answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to question of critical concern.

TEEVO - Rhapsody of Realities for Teens
Rhapsody of Realities Teevo

The Topic of Teens Rhapsody of Realities for Today 9th September 2023 Is “Stronger And
More Glorious (Increase In Strength And Glory) “

Scripture; Acts 9:22
“…Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ.”

Click Here to Read the Previous TeeVo Discussion.


Years ago, while I was having a lot of opposition, I set my face like a flint and focused on something God had told me. He said, “Be courageous; I will not fail you, and I will not forsake you.” It was an instruction from God. Therefore, it made no difference who was against me or what was happening around me; I couldn’t be bothered. There wasn’t going to be any fear. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I was endued with courage, and I’ve been ever since. When God tells you to be courageous, it’s because He knows there’s trouble out there.

He knows some things will try to frighten you, discourage you, and dissuade you, so He says, “Be courageous.” I made up my mind that I was going to do what God said; I was going to be very courageous. Our opening verse says, “…Saul increased all the more in strength….” To increase in strength means that the Lord enabled him. The Greek actually expresses it as “to be made strong.” He was increased in strength; this is an inner strength.

He was empowered from within to be able to accomplish more. This is what the Lord does for His children: He strengthens them from within. As you increase in strength, you increase in glory. This is what has happened with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days: it has increased in strength and in glory. We’re in a special time in the world today, with Rhapsody of Realities reaching billions of people in their native language.

Millions of ministries are partnering with us for the common goal of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth! These aren’t the kinds of things anyone could have planned. They’re happening by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. That grace is at work in you today to accomplish more than you’ve ever done for the Lord. You won’t be afraid; you won’t falter. You’ll rise to the occasion and win because you’re empowered from within. Hallelujah!


Philippians 4:13; Colossians 1:29 AMPC;
Acts 18:9-10; Joshua 1:7


Dear Father, thank you for your supernatural grace that’s at
work in me. I’m strengthened and energized for increased
productivity and greater effectiveness by your Spirit today. I can
do all things and change the circumstances of my life to conform
to your perfect will for me through your Spirit that’s at work in
me mightily. Hallelujah!


2 Corinthians 8-9, Proverbs 24-26 2


Thessalonians 2:11-17, Jeremiah 27


Study and meditate on these scriptures: Psalm 96:6, 1 Chronicles
16:28, 1 Chronicles 29:11, and Isaiah 40:29.


About ROR TEEVO 2023

The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo is written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. This devotional is designed for teenagers to inspire, encourage and strengthen them by providing answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to questions of critical concern… read more

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