The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo 2023 is a daily devotional for teens. It is designed to inspire, encourage and strengthen you by providing you answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to question of critical concern.

The Topic of Teens Rhapsody of Realities for Today 21st May 2023 Is “How The
Apostles Did It (Get Into Ever-Expanding Ministry)”
Scripture; Acts 6:7 AMPC
“And the message of God kept on spreading, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem; and [besides] a large number of the priests were obedient to the faith [in Jesus as the Messiah, through Whom is obtained eternal salvation in the kingdom of God].”
Click Here to Read the Previous TeeVo Discussion.
When you study the amazing lives of the apostles in the Book of Acts, you’ll be inspired by their ever-expanding ministry and emulate them. For example, in Acts 2, the previously terrified disciples suddenly became bold after receiving the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, with Peter preaching his first message: “Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day” (Acts 2:41 NIV).
We read in the third chapter and the beginning of the fourth chapter how Peter healed a paralysed man who begged for alms at the Temple gate called Beautiful. As a result, people crowded around them and ran together. There, Peter took advantage of the opportunity to preach, and this time, five thousand souls were saved: “…Many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand” (Acts 4:4).
According to Acts 4:31, after the apostles prayed and were all filled with the Holy Spirit, “…they spoke the word of God with boldness.” As a result, a large multitude of peoplebelieved the Gospel (Acts 4:32). The apostles were preaching the Gospel and working miracles. Acts 5:12 tells us, “And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch.”
Then it says in the 14th verse, “And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women.” Take note of the progression. Three thousand souls believed all at once the first time. The following time, the number of those who believed was around 5,000 (women and the children not counted). Then there was a swarm! It didn’t stop there; in Acts 5:14, Luke refers to those who believed as “multitudes!” That’s ever-expanding ministry.
Acts 2:41-47 AMPC; Romans 15:18-24 NIV
Dear Father, I thank you for the ever-expanding Church in spite of the futile efforts of wicked and unreasonable men. I pray for the Church around the world today that there will be unity, stability, and growth as we attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
John 10:1-21, 2 Kings 6-7
1 Corinthians 11:12-19, Proverbs 17
Get into ever-expanding ministry as you win souls to the Lord today.
About ROR TEEVO 2023
The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo is written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. This devotional is designed for teenagers to inspire, encourage and strengthen them by providing answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to questions of critical concern… read more
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