Seek God Early

Teevo For 18th July 2024 – God’s Plan For The Giver


The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo 2024 is a daily devotional for teens. It is designed to inspire, encourage and strengthen you by providing you answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to question of critical concern.

TEEVO - Rhapsody of Realities for Teens
Rhapsody of Realities Teevo

The Topic of Teens Rhapsody of Realities for Today 19th July 2023 Is “God’s Plan For The Giver (Increased Grace And Earthly Blessings Are Directed To The Giver)”

Scripture; 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMPC

“And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-suficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].”

Click Here to Read the Previous TeeVo Discussion.


Cyril, you’re always looking nice, and all this nice stuff keeps coming to you,” remarked Stephanie.
“What’s your secret? Tell me!”

“That’s easy, Steph! Start giving into the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and blessings like you’ve never seen will start coming your way too,” Cyril instructed.

You know, Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” In Haggai 2:8, the Lord declares His sovereignty over the earth’s resources, saying, “‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Then in Psalm 50:10-11, the Lord said, “For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Hallelujah!

This same God that owns the world and everything in it, including all its inexhaustible, inestimable wealth, is able to direct all grace towards you so you can enjoy everything He owns. God is able to direct all the grace you require for anything in this life towards you so that you’re never behind in competence or ability.

Someone might say, “If that’s the case, then go ahead and do it, Lord; direct all grace towards me.” The scriptures already told us what prompts Him to do it: He does it for givers. Read 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 and see the connection: all channels of blessings are focused on the giver! You can’t block the giver’s way, impede his advancement, or stymie his growth and blessings, for he or she is graced on every side.

That’s not all. As a true giver, not only does God direct all grace towards you, but He also ensures you have more than enough to give all the time. You’re always, under all circumstances, and whatever the need, self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. This is God’s Word and blessing for you as a giver. Hallelujah!

Luke 6:38; Philippians 4:15-19

Dear Father, I thank you for the Gospel of Christ, which has blessed and enriched me. I’m grateful for the privilege to give for the furtherance of the Gospel and bring sinners out of darkness into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Thank you for making all grace abound towards me to be effective in the ministry of reconciliation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Acts 25:13-27, Psalms 11-16

Luke 9:28-36, Joshua 14

Are you a giver? You can be one; just start giving your very best— your resources, finances, and of yourself—to the Lord.

About ROR TEEVO 2024

The Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo is written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. This devotional is designed for teenagers to inspire, encourage and strengthen them by providing answer-from the perspective of God’s Word-to questions of critical concern… read more

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