Seeds of Destiny devotional by Pastor Paul and Becky Eneche the founder and president of the Dunamis International Gospel centre. The Seed of Destiny Devotional is filled with refreshing, instructive, soul-lifting and life-changing contents. Read & be greatly blessed.

The Topic of Seeds of Destiny Devotional for Today 4th April 2023 Is “ Fear: The Root Cause of Negative Occurrences ”
Scripture: For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job 3:25
Thought for The Day: When a negative history is repeated in a family, fear can be birthed.
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Sometime ago, a woman testified in our church that she had an accident in the month of March in a particular year, and broke one of her legs. In the month of March the following year, she had another accident and that accident caused her another injury. So, the moment she heard the month of March approaching again, she began to fear.
She said that while still in that fear, in one of the services, I gave a Word of knowledge that, “There is a woman here who is afraid of the Month of March. You don’t have to be afraid of March anymore. You will not die in the month of March”. And immediately, she said that the fear disappeared. You see, the devil created a negative cycle in this woman’s life, and that brought fear upon her, until both the fear and the associated negative cycle were terminated by the power of God through a Word of knowledge.
When a negative history is repeated in a family, fear can be birthed. Now, there are cycles in families, for instance, where people die at a certain time or age. There are families that are plagued with a certain kind of disease in a particular pattern. For example, there can be a situation where the family members suffer from a particular type of cancer. One day, a young lady told me that her mother died of cancer. Her elder sister also died of the same kind of cancer.
Her mother died at the age of forty-five, and her sister died at the age of twenty-five. She was twenty-five at the time she was talking to me, terribly gripped with fear because she had already begun to feel the symptom of the same kind of cancer. She was prayed for and both the root and effect of fear were cursed. My counsel is, deal with every negative occurrence in your life by dealing with your fear. Feed your faith with the Word of God.
Remember this: When a negative history is repeated in a family, fear can be birthed.
1. Refuse to allow fear take hold of you.
2. Feed your faith with the Word of God always.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from fear and its consequences. I receive the grace to always feed my faith with Your Word, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Do not accommodate fear. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 7-9
AMAZING FACT: Elephants commonly show grief, humor, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, tool use, playfulness, and excellent learning abilities.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I curse every root or trace of fear in your life in Jesus’ Name.
Watch Dunamis Live Service from The Glory Dome – Pastor Paul Enenche
About the Author.
Seeds of Destiny 2023 Devotional is written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Center. The Dunamis Gospel Centre SOD daily devotional is designed to load you daily with God’s words in a way that keeps you inspired, encouraged,, and uplifted. Read More
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