Seeds of Destiny devotional by Pastor Paul and Becky Eneche the founder and president of the Dunamis International Gospel centre. The Seed of Destiny Devotional is filled with refreshing, instructive, soul-lifting and life-changing contents. Read & be greatly blessed.

The Topic of Seeds of Destiny Devotional for Today 29th August 2024 Is “Every Battle Is Winnable”
Scripture: 1 Corinthian 2:7.
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
Thought for The Day: The wisdom of God is the answer to every question of life. The Word of God can dissolve every mountain in your life.
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It has been confirmed that there is no battle on earth that is not winnable. There is no question in life that does not have answers. There is no mountain too high that cannot be brought low. So, all battles and mountains of life are surmountable; all hard questions of life are solvable.
So, it doesn’t matter what you are facing now, one day, you will look back and wonder how you crossed the bridge. You will look back and realize that you actually survived daring issues of life. You will realize that you confronted and conquered what came against you.
Beyond any current battle you may be facing, there is a victory and breakthrough ahead.
Please note that whether it is the conspiracy of men, demons, witches, wizards or ancestral curses, every battle of life is winnable.
Now, one way to win every battle of life is accessing the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is the answer to every question of life. The Word of God can dissolve every mountain in your life.
You see, the wisdom of God is always captured or encapsulated in mysteries.
1 Corinthian. 2:7 says,
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
The wisdom of God contains the solution package of God. The strategies and answers of God to every battle, question, mountainous situation of life, are contained in His Wisdom. And this wisdom is always encapsulated in mysteries.
It is important to note that there are many things in Scripture we do not know. If we knew them, we would have walked out from some negative and challenging situations long ago.
My counsel is, make up your mind to search God’s Word so you can access His wisdom that dissolves all puzzles of life.
Remember this: The wisdom of God is the answer to every question of life. The Word of God can dissolve every mountain in your life.
- Always know that every battle of life is winnable.
- Ask God to connect you to the fountain of His wisdom that dissolves all mountainous situations of life.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You grant me access to Your Word so I can access Your wisdom. Give me the strategy to win every battle of life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Your degree of yieldedness determines your degree of usefulness in the Hands of God as a battle axe. When your yieldedness increases, your usefulness increases. When your submission increases, your manifestation increases. Culled from the book, “Thou Art My Battle Axe” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Ezekiel 13-15.
AMAZING FACT: A Blue whale’s tongue can weigh as much as an elephant.
PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Receive light from the Word to dissolve every darkness of your life now, in Jesus’ Name.
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About the Author.
Seeds of Destiny 2024 Devotional is written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Center. The Dunamis Gospel Centre SOD daily devotional is designed to load you daily with God’s words in a way that keeps you inspired, encouraged,, and uplifted. Read More
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