Seek God Early

Seeds Of Destiny Devotional For Saturday 16th September 2023 – Provoking Heavenly Intervention Through Good Conduct


Seeds of Destiny devotional by Pastor Paul and Becky Eneche the founder and president of the Dunamis International Gospel centre. The Seed of Destiny Devotional is filled with refreshing, instructive, soul-lifting and life-changing contents. Read & be greatly blessed.

Seeds of Destiny Devotional 2023
Seeds of Destiny Devotional 2023

The Topic of Seeds of Destiny Devotional for Today 16th September 2023 Is “Provoking Heavenly Intervention Through Good Conduct

Scripture:  Genesis 18:10.

And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

Thought for The Day: Goodness is a nature of God and when you decide to be good, you provoke or draw the God of goodness to yourself.

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It has been established that character or good conduct does not only attract favour from men, it also provokes heavenly intervention. Your good manners or conducts make God to release for you the answers to the prayers you had prayed in times past. A person that is essentially good will never lack favour.

The story of Abraham’s encounter with heavenly visitors better illustrates this.

In the Book of Genesis 18, Abraham sat one day in front of his house and saw some people passing by. He never knew that the people were heavenly visitors. As his good nature was, he approached them with courteousness and asked them to stop by his house for some refreshment.

The visitors refused but he compelled them.

Do you know what Abraham did? He asked one of his servants to quickly kill a calf and then told his wife to use it to prepare a very delicious meal for them.

And while these visitors were eating the food, one of the heavenly visitors asked Abraham, “Where is your wife?”

The visitor continued, “I want to announce to you that according to the time of life, your wife is going to be pregnant and bring forth a child.” (Genesis 18:10, paraphrased).

Please know this, Abraham’s good manners implicated him for favour. His good conduct turned the attention of God to him.

Goodness is a nature of God and when you decide to be good, you provoke or attract the God of goodness to yourself. This is what happened to Abraham.

I counsel you to attract Divine breakthroughs to your life by being of good conduct at all times.

REMEMBER THIS: Goodness is a nature of God and when you decide to be good, you provoke or attract the God of goodness to yourself.


  1. Make up your mind to be of good conduct as a child of God.
  2. Like Abraham, do good to all men.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for showing me the way of good conduct. I receive the grace to display good conduct or manner so I can provoke heavenly attention, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: If you must choose one of two alternatives – a good name or riches – it is better to choose a good name. Culled from the book, “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.


AMAZING FACT: At over 29,000 feet tall, Mt. Everest is the highest point on Earth, but it does not compare to the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench, which is over 36,000 feet deep – nearly seven miles – in the Pacific Ocean.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the Help of the Spirit to walk in love and goodness in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Watch Dunamis Live Service from The Glory Dome – Pastor Paul Enenche

About the Author.

Seeds of Destiny 2023 Devotional is written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Center. The Dunamis Gospel Centre  SOD daily devotional is designed to load you daily with God’s words in a way that keeps you inspired, encouraged,, and uplifted. Read More

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