Seeds of Destiny devotional by Pastor Paul and Becky Eneche the founder and president of the Dunamis International Gospel centre. The Seed of Destiny Devotional is filled with refreshing, instructive, soul-lifting and life-changing contents. Read & be greatly blessed.

The Topic of Seeds of Destiny Devotional for Today 13th December 2024 Is “The Lifting Power Of Humility”
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
Thought for The Day: Humility has a lifting power; you humble your way to the top in life.
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Humility has been confirmed to be a major pathway to greatness and higher heights in life. The Scripture confirms that God lifts the humble but brings down the proud. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6.
Humility has a lifting power; you humble your way to the top in life. There are many great people who are very humble and down to earth. Humility is one of the secrets of great men. Everything around them should make them proud, but they chose to be humble.
However, there are those who have nothing to show for their existence in life, yet they are very proud. Their unusual level of pride has reduced their lives to nothing. Such people easily lose their jobs because of pride. They can talk to their boss anyhow. They can say things like: “Who do you think you are? Is it because I am working for you that you are talking to me anyhow? Take your job!” These individuals would rather choose to be unemployed with pride than be employed with humility.
You see, the lifestyle of pride is a hindrance to many good things in life. Some people are poor and hungry today because of pride. And some people boast about everything, including how they fast and do other spiritual things. I know someone like that. One day, he called me and said, “This is day twenty-one now without food.”
Then I said, “Well done.”
The question is, after you have counted the number of days you have been fasting, what else? And where is the result of such long days of fasting?
There are people who have not fasted for such number of days, yet they have seen unusual results by the mercy of God. This is because it is not of him that willeth or runneth but of God that showeth mercy (Romans 9:16).
Beloved, humility has a lifting power. Make up your mind to go up in life by the force of humility.
Remember this: Humility has a lifting power; you humble your way to the top in life.
1. Employ the force of humility to go up and excel in life.
2. Remain humble to stay up in life.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to humble myself before You and before men. Help me never to lose divine opportunities by pride, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: If you lose grip of your history, you will lose grip of your humility. And when you lose grip of your humility, you lose grip of your authority.
Culled from the book, “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Philemon-Hebrews 2.
AMAZING FACT: Lions’ hunting strategy involves stealth and speed, often ambushing prey when they least expect it.
Receive grace to remain in humility in Jesus’ Name.
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About the Author.
Seeds of Destiny 2024 Devotional is written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Center. The Dunamis Gospel Centre SOD daily devotional is designed to load you daily with God’s words in a way that keeps you inspired, encouraged,, and uplifted. Read More
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