Seek God Early

PRAYER FOR TODAY TUESDAY 20TH AUGUST 2024 – A Prayer to Take Back Joy When You Can’t Feel It


Prayer points and Bible References for today. Remember, prayer is an act of  worship & submission to God. It is a way you ask God to step in, take charge and continue to lead you on the right path. As you worship the Almighty God using this daily prayer point, believe in your heart that your victories for today are already established and no power or principalities can stop you in Jesus precious name, Amen

Prayer Foar Today
Prayer For Today

Today’s prayer focus: A Prayer to Take Back Joy When You Can’t Feel It

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” – Psalm 30:5
Do you feel stuck in a ‘night season’? There are many hard things that are thrown at us in this life that can bury us under a feeling of hopelessness. These are the moments when our faith matters most. When we truly need Him to pull us out of the shadow of death and show us his joy even while we still lament. We don’t have to deny our real feelings of sadness, grief, and fear in order to also know God’s joy. There is space for more than one feeling in every season.

Joy that denies real lived experiences is a fraud. God has space in his protective hands for our pain and still graciously points us to his beauty through it all. True joy surprises us, and it’s often hidden in the details of our circumstances.

Joy may be a well-timed joke while stuck in a hospital bed.
The flowers a friend delivers while you walk through a miscarriage.
The grace to be heard when battling anxiety and depression.
An unexpected hug from a kiddo when the job of being a parent feels like it’s sucking the life out of you.
It’s the chance to see family from far away while grieving together at a funeral.
It’s the right song or message at church when you are feeling utterly hopeless in your marriage.
A friend that shows up with lunch after your dog passes away.
Piles of baby supplies that show up overnight when you say yes to that foster placement, completely unprepared for what is to come.
Joy sneaks into those hard, stretching, and the wish-they-weren’t-so moments of life. Joy is a reprieve from the heaviness that loss, sickness, stress, and brokenness bring into our lives. Joy offers us a bit of fresh air that you desperately need. Most times joy doesn’t make sense and is not dependent on any certain set of circumstances. Joy is a “God-sighting” in our everyday chaos. Without joy, even the best circumstances can feel empty, and with joy, we know that even in the worst cases, God is with us.

If you need joy, God promises that it is available to you. Find hope in the truth that nights don’t last forever. One day, the night will be no more, but for now, the sunrise will come. The light and fresh air offer hope and beauty that our souls need. Take heart; the morning is coming soon, my friend.


God, we thank you for your promise to bring us through our night season and offer us joy on the other side! We need your joy to infuse purpose in the struggles we face. We need joy to invigorate our souls and bring light into the lives you have given us. Open our eyes to the ways you are showing up to meet us in the midst of all the chaos. Open up the chance for us to be joy bringers to others in our lives, showing them grace in their night season, too.

If you are willing, God lift from us the darkness we are facing. Bring healing to our minds, bodies, and souls. Provide the faith we need to know that you are good and with us even when we don’t feel you near. Bring back our joy with a double portion! Let us give you all the glory for everything you have done for us in each and every season of our lives. Amen.

This Is the Assurance of Answers to Your Prayers – Matthew 7:7-11

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN GIVE GOOD THINGS TO THOSE WHO ASK HIM!

Today’s Prayer is written by: Amanda Idleman

Please pray with all your heart and remember to share these prayer points with someone. Have A blessed day as you pray!
