Seek God Early



Our Daily Bread for today is here.  Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).

The word of God is food to the spirit man. “Eat and digest” the word of the Lord for today and let its unchanging power nuture your faith and help in your daily walk to Christ.

Our Daily Bread Devotional

The Topic of Our Daily Bread For 27th October 2024 is “Born Again?”

Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 12-14; 2 Timothy 1

Memory Verse: John 3:5

Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

Today’s Scripture & Insight: John 3:1-9

Jesus told Nicodemus, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” (John 3:3). Christ’s claim that a person needs to be born “again” confused Nicodemus: “How can someone be born when they are old?” (v. 4). The Greek word anōthen, translated “again” (vv. 3, 7), has several meanings and can indicate either time or location. It can mean “from above” (heaven), “from the beginning,” “for a long time,” or “again.” Both “you must be born again” (niv) or “you must be born from above” (nrsv) are accurate translations of verse 7. Christ is telling Nicodemus that to enter heaven, a person must be made new. We can’t do this through our own efforts but only through the Spirit (v. 8).

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“Born again? What does that mean?” asked the funeral director. “I’ve never heard of that term before.” Grasping the opportunity, the son of the deceased father explained what it meant through the words of John chapter 3.

“It comes down to the fact that we are all born once into this world,” he said. “God doesn’t have a magic scale where He weighs our good deeds against the bad. God requires us to be born of the Spirit,” he continued. “That’s why Jesus died on the cross—He paid for our sins and made it possible for us to possess eternal life with Him. We can’t make it on our own.”

In John 3, Nicodemus began to doubt if he truly had it all figured out. A trained teacher in the Scriptures (v. 1), he recognized that Jesus was different and that His teaching had authority (v. 2). He wanted to find out for himself, so he approached Christ one night to get the matter settled. Nicodemus must have accepted Jesus’ statement “You must be born again” (v. 7) and believed, because he helped prepare the Savior’s body for burial after He was crucified (19:39).

The funeral director agreed to go home and read the third chapter of John’s gospel. Like the son who talked with the director, let’s take Jesus’ words to heart and share them with others as He helps us.

Reflect & Pray
What does it mean for you to be born again? How can you share what it means with others?

Dear Father, thank You for allowing me to be born again. May Your Spirit move in the hearts of those to whom I share the need to be born again.

Our Daily Bread 2024 Devotional is written by Con Campbell and published by Our Daily Bread Ministries. Read more

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