Our Daily Bread for today is here. Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).
The word of God is food to the spirit man. “Eat and digest” the word of the Lord for today and let its unchanging power nuture your faith and help in your daily walk to Christ.

The Topic of Our Daily Bread For 14th December 2024 is “Love as Strong as Death”
Bible in a Year: Joel 1-3; Revelation 5
Memory Verse: Song of Songs 8:6
For love is as strong as death.
Today’s Scripture & Insight: Song of Songs 8:6-7
The Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, has long mystified Bible students—particularly in terms of how we’re to understand its inclusion in the Scriptures. This sense of mystery has led to a variety of interpretations. Three main views are held regarding the purpose of the Song. One interpretation holds that it’s a metaphor describing God’s love for Israel and His care for her as His chosen people. Second, it’s historically been viewed by many Bible teachers to be a “type” (representative picture) of Christ and the church, perhaps even anticipating Paul’s expressions of Christ’s love for the church in Ephesians 5. Finally, it’s seen by some modern scholars as a celebration of intimate love between husband and wife.
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If you were to stroll along the old brick wall stretching between the Protestant and Catholic graveyards in Roermond, Netherlands, you’d discover a curious sight. On each side, flush against the wall stands two identical towering headstones: one for a Protestant husband and one for his Catholic wife. Cultural rules during the nineteenth century required they be buried in separate cemeteries. They wouldn’t accept their fate, however. Their unusual headstones are high enough to reach above the fenced obstruction so that at the top there’s only about a foot or two of air separating them. Atop each, a sculptured arm reaches out to the other, each clasping the other’s hand. The couple refused to be separated, even in death.
The Song of Songs explains love’s power. “Love is as strong as death,” Solomon says, “its jealousy unyielding as the grave” (8:6). True love is powerful, ferocious. “It burns like blazing fire” (v. 6). True love never surrenders, won’t be silenced, and can’t be destroyed. “Many waters cannot quench love,” writes Solomon. “Rivers cannot sweep it away” (v. 7).
“God is love” (1 John 4:16). Our strongest love is only a fractured reflection of His ferocious love for us. He’s the ultimate source of any love that’s genuine, any love that holds fast.
Reflect & Pray
How have you been experiencing God’s strong love? How has He revealed His strong love for you?
Dear God, I need Your love that’s stronger than death, stronger than evil, stronger than my failings. Thank You for Your powerful love.
Our Daily Bread 2024 Devotional is written by Con Campbell and published by Our Daily Bread Ministries. Read more
Visit the ODB official website here: www.odb.org
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