Seek God Early

Our Daily Bread Devotional For Saturday 10th June 2023 – Leap Of Faith

Our Daily Bread for today is here.  Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).

The word of God is food to the spirit man. “Eat and digest” the word of the Lord for today and let its unchanging power nuture your faith and help in your daily walk to Christ.

Our Daily Bread Devotional For Saturday 10th June 2023 – Leap Of Faith
Our Daily Bread Devotional

The Topic of Our Daily Bread For 10th June  2023 is “Leap of Faith”

Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 34–36 John 19:1–22

Memory Verse: In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

Today’s Scripture & Insight: Proverbs 3:5–8

Humanity has an autonomy problem. From the beginning, the first man and woman chose to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad and denied their Creator His place as their God (Genesis 3:6–7).

Proverbs, like the rest of the Wisdom Literature in the Bible, offers a way back—a description of what life can look like when lived the way God intended. Proverbs 3:5–8 encapsulates that mission perfectly: if we trust ourselves and set our own paths in life, we’ll retread Adam and Eve’s road toward death. But if we instead trust our Creator, lean on Him and His guidance, and submit to Him, we’ll find life and peace. Verses 5–6 describe the road back toward life in Eden: trust God with everything and let Him direct our paths.

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As I prepared to ride a zip line from the highest point of a rainforest on the Caribbean Island of St. Lucia, fear welled up inside me. Seconds before I jumped from the platform, thoughts of everything that could go wrong filled my mind. But with all the courage I could muster (and few options for turning back), I released. Dropping from the pinnacle of the forest, I whizzed through the lush green trees, wind flowing through my hair and my worries slowly fading. As I moved through the air allowing gravity to carry me, my view of the next platform became clearer and, with a gentle stop, I knew I’d arrived safely.

My time on the zip line pictured for me the times God has us undertake new, challenging endeavors. Scripture teaches us to put our trust in God and “lean not on [our] own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5) when we feel doubt and uncertainty. When our minds are filled with fear and doubt, our paths can be unclear and distorted. But once we’ve made the decision to step out in faith by submitting our way to God, “he will make [our] paths straight” (v. 6). We become more confident taking leaps of faith by learning who God is through spending time in prayer and the Scriptures.

We can find freedom and tranquility even in life’s challenges as we hang on to God and allow Him to guide us through the changes in our lives.

Reflect & Pray
What changes or challenges in your life require you to put total trust in God? What’s preventing you from taking that leap of faith?

Dear Father, please give me the wisdom and strength I need to trust You with my life.

Our Daily Bread 2023 Devotional is written by Kimya Loder  and published by Our Daily Bread Ministries. Read more

Thank you for reading. This Devotional was shared via www.TheDevotionals.Com.NG

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2 Responses

  1. I nowrmally get w5 copies of the Daily Bread, a tradition from my mother, Rose Miller, and I pass them on to my children and grandchildren. This month I gave away all my copies and since June 1, I have so missed my Daily Bread. I discovered this website and will forward it to my friends and family. And to those who have difficulty seeing, it can be read! What a blessing.

    1. Hello Marilyn,
      We are so blessed to hear about how you share the dvotional with your loved ones.
      May the Lord reward your labour of love. Please keep sharing it.

      We are happy you also find our website useful. We will keep posting and ensure you enjoy prompt access to the devotionals.

      Have a fruitful day ahead!

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