Mountain Top Life daily devotional by Pastor D.K Olukoya of the Mountain of Fire Ministry. Start your day right with God and experience a Life-changing encounter with the God that answers by fire.

The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 11th December 2023 Is ”The Wonders of Rods (11)”
Memory Verse: Exodus 4:17.
And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs.
Motivational Quote
God’s word is the believer’s weapon to enforce His dominion and dispense His grace.
Prophetic word for today
Today, God will place the rod of Moses in your hand. Your stubbom Pharaoh will release you and your Red Sea obstacles will vanish, in the name of Jesus.
Fire Scripture: Exodus 4:1-5
1And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.
2 And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.
4 And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:
5 That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.
Praise & Worship
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Amos 9; Obadiah 1; James 2 – 3
Click Here for Yesterday’s MFM Devotional by Pastor D.K. Olukoya
As a believer, another kind of rod you need is the rod of Moses. The rod of Moses is the rod of deliverance. Do you need complete deliverance? You need the rod of Moses in your hands. With that rod, Moses brought plagues upon Egypt and subdued the multiple strong men in the land as well as the powers that kept Israel in bondage. He proved to Pharaoh that the God of Israel is sovereign, all-powerful, mighty to save and delivers to the uttermost.
No matter how far the devil and his demons have gone in holding you in bondage and afflicting you, when you confront them with the rod of Moses, heaven will give you a great deliverance.
The rod of Moses is also the rod that disgraces the oppressor. When Moses stretched his rod to the heavenlies and brought plagues on Egypt, both Pharaoh, the taskmasters and other oppressors in the land were discomfited. It is a veritable weapon to oppress your oppressor. When you stretch it towards witchcraft powers they will bow and flee from you. With it, you can destroy the works of the devil and trample on serpents and scorpions.
The rod of Moses is the rod to pull down any stronghold battling your life. Use it as the weapon of warfare to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. You need it to fight from the heavenlies and to confront and conquer Pharaoh-like, Herod-like, Goliath-like and Sennacherib- like enemies. You also need to stretch it towards uncrossable rivers, turbulent oceans and places the enemy said there is no way.
Your Red Seas will part asunder and all blockades will turn to highways for you to pass. It is the rod for producing signs and wonders freely given to the saints of salvation! As a New Testament believer, the word of God is your instrument of signs and wonders. So also are spiritual weapons like the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Use them to get unstoppable victory and reign in life.
1. My Father, place the rod of Moses in my hands, so that I can deal with the heavenlies and deal with Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus.
2. Pharaoh-like enemies, release me now and die. in the name of Jesus.
3. Spirit of slavery, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. O God, arise and trouble the hosts of darkness assigned against my life and destiny. in the name of Jesus.
5. By the power in the word of God, I command my Red Sea to part, in the name of Jesus.
6. I declare that I am for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.
7. O God, arise and oppress my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.
Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide) Read more about MFM daily devotional
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