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Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 9th November 2023 – Trials Reveal Your Character


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Joyce Meyer Devotional
Joyce Meyer Devotional

The Topic of Joyce Meyer’s Devotional for 9th November 2023 Is “ Trials Reveal Your Character ”

SCRIPTURE: — James 1:3 (AMPC)

Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.

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Trials “try” us, and tests “test” us. Most of the time, the purpose of them is to show us who we really are, to reveal character in us.

We can think all kinds of good thoughts about ourselves, but until we are put to the test, we don’t know whether those things have become realities in us or not. We may consider ourselves generous, honest, or deeply committed to a particular truth or ideal, but the depth of these dynamics only reveals itself when we’re under pressure. When we go through trials, we learn whether or not we really have the character and commitment we think we have.

I believe it’s very important for us to really know ourselves; tests are good for us because they affirm strengths and reveal weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to face your weaknesses. God’s strength is available to you specifically for them.

I must say that before my trials worked steadfastness and patience into my life, they brought out many other negative qualities, mindsets, and attitudes I didn’t know I had. One reason God allows us to go through tests and trials is so the hidden things in our hearts can be exposed. Until they are exposed, we cannot do anything about them. But once we see them, we can begin to face them and ask God to help us.

God does not allow us to go through difficult times because He likes to see us suffer; He uses them for us to recognize our need for Him. Everything you go through ultimately does work out for your good because it makes you stronger and builds your endurance; it develops godly character; it helps you to know yourself and to be able to deal with things at an honest level with God and take care of those things so you can reach spiritual maturity.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 09/11/2023.

Father God, help me truly understand that good can come from trials, that they shape my character as well as revealing strengths and weaknesses. Strengthen my character, Lord, and deepen my reliance on You as You prepare me for the purpose You have planned for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministriesread more

Thank you for reading. This Devotional was shared via www.TheDevotionals.Com.Ng

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