Joyce Meyer daily devotional for today is here. Joyce Meyer Devotional is a message of Christ that heals the broken hearted, comfort, direct and shine light on the path of everyone who seeks Him. Read & Share with Someone

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 4th May 2023 Is “Speak Your Trust in God ”
SCRIPTURE: — Psalm 34:4 (NIV)
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
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The psalmist writes in today’s scripture that God delivered him from all his fears. Fear is closely related to worry, dread, anxiety, and various other negative emotions. The enemy wages a spiritual war against us in our minds, and to win the battle of the mind, we must learn to handle fear and worry in a godly way.
Let me ask you: How often do you hear yourself saying, “I’m afraid…,” “I’m concerned that…,” or “I’m worried about…”? Many people use these phrases perhaps millions of times throughout their lives. But what’s the purpose? These words don’t help us in any way; they simply reinforce the fear or worry we feel. Neither anxiety nor fear changes our circumstances, but they do influence us in negative ways by moving our minds away from hope and faith, by stealing our peace, and by causing us to feel stressed.
Whenever you are tempted to say, “I’m worried about…” or “I’m afraid that…,” say instead, “I trust God.” Declaring that you trust God releases His power to work in your life. Next time you feel anxious or fearful, instead of talking about it, study God’s Word and remember His faithfulness to you in the past. He will deliver you from all your fears, as Psalm 34:4 says, and you can do your part to help reach that breakthrough. Move in the right direction by eliminating “I’m worried” and “I’m afraid” from your vocabulary.
Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 04/05/2023.
Father, thank You that even though I feel fear, and worry, I can trust in You and declare Your faithfulness over my life. Deliver me from all fear and fill me with Your peace, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries…read more
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