Joyce Meyer daily devotional for today is here. Joyce Meyer Devotional is a message of Christ that heals the broken hearted, comfort, direct and shine light on the path of everyone who seeks Him. Read & Share with Someone

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 4th February 2023 Is “ God Will Show You What to Do ”
SCRIPTURE: — Psalm 32:8 (NIV)
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
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Often in life, situations require us to take some kind of action, but we don’t know what to do. However, we can trust God to show us what to do at exactly the right time. We need to be willing to obey Him, because what He leads us to do may not be what we would have done, or it may seem to our way of thinking that it won’t work.
In Luke 5:4–7, Jesus tells Peter and some other disciples who had been fishing all night and caught nothing to go out into deeper water and cast their nets again. Peter indicated that he didn’t think it would work and that they were tired, but he also said they would obey whatever He told them to do. As a result, they caught so many fish that their boats began to sink.
Let me encourage you to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, because God has given Him to us to guide us (see John 16:13). We can always be confident that He will do it, but we must be willing to follow His guidance.
One way the Holy Spirit guides us is through peace. I teach people to not do anything they don’t have peace about doing or anything that doesn’t agree with God’s Word. God has promised to guide us even until the time we die (see Psalm 48:14). Let this knowledge comfort you as you make decisions and believe that you can and will be guided by the Holy Spirit in your decision making.
Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 04/02/2023.
Father, I trust You to guide me in all the decisions that I make. I want to do Your will, not mine.
Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries…read more
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