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Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 2nd January 2023 – God’s Word


Joyce Meyer daily devotional for today is here. Joyce Meyer Devotional is a message of Christ that heals the broken hearted, comfort, direct and shine light on the path of everyone who seeks Him.  Read & Share with Someone

Joyce Meyer Devotional
Joyce Meyer Devotional

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 2nd January 2023 Is “God’s Word  ”

SCRIPTURE: — Hebrews 4:12 (AMPC)

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]….

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I have been thinking about the power of God’s Word this morning and all the changes I have seen in my life and thousands of other lives because of it. Jesus is the Word made flesh, so when we read, study, and meditate on the Word of God, we are fellowshipping with Jesus. As His Word becomes part of us, we are transformed into His image (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). His Word has inherent power in it, and it changes us!

We are instructed in the Bible to meditate on the Word of God, and that simply means to think about it, roll it over and over in our minds, speak it, and know that as we do, it is renewing our minds and teaching us to think as God thinks. Our thoughts are extremely important because they go before our words and all of our actions. God has a good plan for each of us and we will see it come to pass as we renew our minds (see Romans 12:2).

We seem to find it very easy to meditate on our problems. We call it worry! It is a bad habit that can easily be eliminated from our lives by learning to meditate on God’s Word instead. Each time a worry or a fear comes to your mind, find a Scripture that teaches you that God will take care of the problem for you and meditate on it instead of worrying. For example, if you are having financial difficulty, you can worry all day and night about it, or you can think about what God’s Word says concerning Him taking care of you: Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully (1 Peter 5:7 AMPC).

God’s Word has an answer for every need we have. I intend to spend a lot of time today just thinking about the power that is in God’s Word, and I pray that you will join me. God’s Word contains the power we need to be successful in all areas of our lives.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 02/01/2023.

Father, help me discipline myself to meditate on Your Word. Let it become a habit in my life. I ask You to continue teaching me Your Word and renewing my mind accordingly.

Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministriesread more

Thank you for reading. This Devotional was shared via www.TheDevotionals.Com.Ng

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