Joyce Meyer daily devotional for today is here. Joyce Meyer Devotional is a message of Christ that heals the broken hearted, comfort, direct and shine light on the path of everyone who seeks Him. Read & Share with Someone

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 29th September 2023 Is “Take Responsibility—Get Out of the Boat”
SCRIPTURE: Acts 4:18–20 (AMPC)
[So] they summoned them and imperatively instructed them not to converse in any way or teach at all in or about the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied to them, Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you and obey you rather than God, you must decide (judge). But we [ourselves] cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.
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What is your boat? Is it a boat of passivity and indecision? Is there something crying out in you, “I wish I had a life…had some friends…could lose some weight…could have some fun…could get out of debt. I want to be free!” Well, get up and get out of the boat. Get going. Stop whining and moaning about it. You are the only one who can do anything about it. Take responsibility for your life.
You can pray until you’re blue in the face for God to make it happen miraculously, but what if God is saying you have to confront it yourself and deal with it yourself? Are you too afraid to do it? Perhaps you feel that if you make no decisions, you can’t be wrong. And if you make no decisions, you think you have no responsibility. But you have to stay in the boat and take the consequences.
Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 29/09/2023.
Lord, I hate being lulled into passivity and staying trapped when You are calling me to action. With Your help, I will take responsibility for my life today and start turning my wishes into reality, amen.
Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries…read more
Thank you for reading. This Devotional was shared via www.TheDevotionals.Com.Ng