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Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 19th February 2025 – The Holy Spirit Knows What to Do


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Joyce Meyer Devotional
Joyce Meyer Devotional

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 19th February 2025 Is “The Holy Spirit Knows What to Do”

SCRIPTURE: John 16:13 (AMPC)

But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth….

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When God sends His Holy Spirit to work in people’s lives, He condemns sin, not sinners. Throughout His Word, we see clear proof of His love for individuals and His desire to nurture people so they can leave their sin behind and move on in His great plans for their lives. We never need to be afraid to let Him show us and speak to us about what we are doing wrong. The Holy Spirit lives within us. His job is lead us, teach us, help us with prayer, comfort us, convict us of sin, and lead us as we fulfill God’s plan for our lives.

We can trust the Holy Spirit because He knows exactly what needs to be done in our lives and the right timing for it. You might say we are broken, and He knows how to “fix” us. I am sure The Holy Spirit is working in and with you on some area of your life just as He is with all of us. I encourage you to submit to Him completely because He knows what He is doing and will do it exactly right. If people try to fix us or we try to fix ourselves we often only make things worse, but the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. We may not always understand or even like what He is doing, but the end result will be glorious. Relax, enjoy the day, and thank God that He is working in you.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 19/02/2025.

Holy Spirit, please help me to trust You to guide me, help me to accept when You convict me, and continue to help me grow. I submit to Your perfect plan, knowing You are working in me for my good, amen.

Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministriesread more

Thank you for reading. This Devotional was shared via www.TheDevotionals.Com.Ng

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