Joyce Meyer daily devotional for today is here. Joyce Meyer Devotional is a message of Christ that heals the broken hearted, comfort, direct and shine light on the path of everyone who seeks Him. Read & Share with Someone

The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 10th August 2024 Is “Abandon Yourself to God”
SCRIPTURE: Romans 6:4 (AMP)
…We too might walk habitually in newness of life [abandoning our old ways].
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I believe one of the most freeing things you can do as a Christian is to abandon yourself to God, letting go of trying to control your life and circumstances and trusting Him with everything.
Abandonment is forgetting the past entirely, leaving the future in God’s hands, and being totally at peace with the present, knowing that you are in God’s perfect will for you for that moment.
Watchman Nee, a martyr for Christ, died with this note under his pillow: “Christ is the Son of God. He died to atone for men’s sin, and after three days rose again. This is the most important fact in the universe. I die believing in Christ.”
Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 10/08/2024.
Lord, help me completely let go and abandon myself to You. And help me to trust You one hundred percent with my past, present, and future, amen.
Joyce Meyer daily devotional is written by Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries…read more
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