Seek God Early



Daily devotion by Joseph Prince  (Daily Grace Inspirations ) for today is here.  The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you. Remember to share it with someone.

Daily Grace Inspiration by Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince Daily Devotional

The Topic of Joseph Prince Devotional for 30th December 2023 is “Choose Life and See Good Days”

Scripture: Proverbs 14:30 AMP

A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.

In the new covenant, God wants us to come back to believing and speaking. I am not denying that the darkness, barrenness, sickness, or infirmity that you may be faced with is there. I am asking you to speak by faith what you want to see. While God saw the darkness, instead of speaking what He saw, He spoke what He wanted to see.

So the question you must ask yourself is this: What do you want to see in your life? What do you want to see in your body, your marriage, your children, your family, your household, and your place of employment? Listen carefully: I am not asking you what you currently see. I am asking you what you want to see.

It is unfortunate that the enemy has been successful in deceiving many people into speaking negatively, often with bitterness and unforgiveness, over their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Some years ago a pastor who has been used mightily by the Lord in healing miracles shared something very thought-provoking with me. He noticed that people who had been completely healed were susceptible to developing the same disease again when they harbored bitterness and anger against another person in their hearts.

Reread today’s scripture. From this verse, you can see how holding on to negative emotions can eat away at you on the inside. Holding bitterness against someone, for example, is like drinking lethal poison, and expecting the other person to die! It is just not worth it, my friend. You are killing yourself slowly.

I am not saying that the injustice inflicted upon you by this person is acceptable or insignificant. What I am saying is that today you can choose life and let go of that anger in your heart. Release that person, and most importantly, release yourself. Bless that person. Choose to love life and see many good days.

But Pastor Prince, you don’t understand. He doesn’t deserve my forgiveness!

Precisely. Forgiveness is for those who don’t deserve it. That’s what grace is all about. Remember what the Word says: don’t return evil for evil, reviling for reviling (1 Pet. 3:9). Instead, have a spirit of grace and bless those who curse you. Bless them and set yourself free to love life and see many good days. Amen!

The sad reality is that the enemy has successfully programmed death into the human language. We hear causal expressions in our daily conversations such as, “That dress is to die for,” or “I am dying for that piece of cheesecake.” Come on, let’s change our vocabulary and saturate it with life. Instead of dying, let’s be living for something!

I like the salutation Jews use when they propose a toast. They say, “L’chaim,” which means, “To life!” Don’t be preoccupied with what is dark and deathly; let’s celebrate the abundant life that our Lord came to bring us! The power of life and death is in the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Love life and see good days.

Start by refraining your lips from speaking evil and begin filling your mouth with the good news of all the wonderful things our Lord has done and will continue to do in your life. When you change your words, you will change your life. L’chaim!

Daily Grace Inspiration is a daily devotional written by Joseph PrinceHe is the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. [ more..]

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