Daily devotion by Joseph Prince (Daily Grace Inspirations) for today is here. The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you. Remember to share it with someone.
I want to share with you a precious testimony from Caleb, a father in Texas who wrote to my team:
My youngest son was diagnosed with scoliosis when his X-ray showed a seventeen-degree curve in his spine. Upon receiving the news, fear, doubt, anger, sadness, worry, and condemnation began to set in our hearts. We were also concerned about potential disabilities and surgeries for our son in the future.
As a pastor, I found myself struggling with my Christian beliefs. Nevertheless, I could feel the Lord’s loving embrace and peace as I prayed for my son. My church also prayed for him, and we believed the Lord could, and would, heal him.
The doctor referred him to a children’s hospital and arranged for an appointment. By faith, we decided to go for the appointment to confirm the healing had already begun. Even though doubt, condemnation, and fear crept into our hearts, we kept declaring the finished work of the cross and we kept partaking of the holy Communion.
During the appointment, the doctor examined my son and took more X-rays. Then she said, “I have good news for you!” and showed us the X-rays that displayed no trace of scoliosis. Our son’s spine had straightened out. The Lord had healed him! There is victory and power in the cross indeed!
We now distribute a copy of Pastor Prince’s book The Power of Right Believing to every new member in our church. We believe miracles happen as we fill ourselves with the good news of the gospel.
I really felt for Caleb when he described the feelings he went through on hearing his son was diagnosed with a condition that could potentially lead to lifelong disability. Every loving parent wants their child to be well and to enjoy a quality life, and that’s also our heavenly Father’s heart and will toward us.
Despite his fears and uncertainties, Caleb did the best thing he could for his son. He kept declaring the finished work of the cross, and he kept partaking of the holy Communion. And just like that, with nothing spectacular happening, no voice booming out from heaven, and no earth-shaking demonstration of power, his son was healed.
Are you also concerned about a health issue today? I pray that as you do what Caleb did, you will also see God’s supernatural healing manifest for you!