Daily devotion by Joseph Prince (Daily Grace Inspirations) for today is here. The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you. Remember to share it with someone.
There are many believers today who don’t cast their cares upon the Lord. I believe that it is because they don’t have a revelation that He cares for them.
Look at what His Word says: “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Unless you have absolute confidence that Jesus cares for you, you will not cast your cares upon Him.
Just think, would you call upon the help of a relative or friend in your time of need if you were not confident that the person would respond to your call? Jesus cares for you. When you call upon Him, know that you have His fullest attention with all of heaven’s resources backing you up!
Maybe you are thinking right now, “Well, I am sure that Jesus has more important things to do than to bother with my problem.” Hang on. By saying that, you have just shown that you don’t really believe that Jesus cares for you.
Now, let’s see what the Bible says: “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7).
I love and care for my sweet daughter, Jessica. But as much as I adore her and care for her well-being, I have never, not once, counted the number of strands of hair on her head! She does not know how great a blessing she has been to me. I love to kiss her, smell her hair, and hug her tightly. Yet, in all my great love for her, I have never taken the time to count the number of strands of hair on her head in all these years!
But do you know that your heavenly Father numbers the hairs on your head? I really hope that you are beginning to catch the heart of Jesus and not generalize His love for you. His love for you is all-encompassing. If He cares enough to keep track of the hairs on your head, is there anything too small for Him that you cannot talk to Him about?
God’s love for you is infinitely detailed. Jesus said that not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from the Father’s will (Matt. 10:29). Are you not of more value than a sparrow?
Is God a God who winds the clock and leaves it alone to tick until Jesus comes back? Is He only involved with major events in the world? Is He only involved in significant events in our lives like our salvation, or is He vitally and intensely involved in the day-to-day minute details of your life? What do you think?
The Bible says that He calls His own sheep by name (John 10:3, 14). My friend, His love for you is personal, detailed, and in-depth! Your heavenly Father wants you to involve Him even in the smallest, most mundane matters of your life, and see His unmerited favor surround you, protect you, and lead you to good success.