Seek God Early



Daily devotion by Joseph Prince  (Daily Grace Inspirations ) for today is here.  The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you. Remember to share it with someone.

Daily Grace Inspiration by Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince Daily Devotional

The topic of Joseph Prince Devotional for 19th July 2023 Is “Unconscious Faith ”

Scripture: Galatians 5:6 KJV 

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

I believe with all of my heart that as you come under grace and are delivered from the works of the law, faith will no longer be a struggle or barrier because you will walk with unconscious faith. You will not be wondering all the time, “Do I have enough faith?” You will see Jesus in His grace, and faith will just spring forth from the inside.

It is that simple. Everything that you receive from God, you receive by faith in His grace.

We walk by faith. We fight the good fight of faith. We are saved by faith, healed by faith, and made righteous by faith! The Christian life is a life of faith in God’s grace. The more of His grace we receive, the more faith springs forth.

Our problem in the past was that we put our faith in our own faith, and it didn’t work. We should put our faith in God’s grace and love, for today’s scripture says that faith works by love. This is not in reference to our own love, but to His love for us.

Faith is not trying to make something that is not already there happen. Faith is bringing out of the spirit realm what is already there, what is already true of you.

You do not confess that you are righteous in order to become righteous. You confess that you are righteous because you are already righteous!

But when you confess it, you become conscious of it. You sense it and it becomes powerful and real in your life. It is not having faith in faith. It is having faith in God’s goodness, in His grace.

Allow me to share with you a wonderful testimony my ministry received from Myra in Georgia. It describes how simply seeing God’s grace brings unconscious faith, rest instead of struggle . . . and amazing breakthroughs without any self-effort:

I used to be so painfully shy to the point that my mind would freeze. I would be overwhelmed by feelings of such intense embarrassment that my whole body would ache. To avoid those feelings, I learned to avoid certain situations or attach myself to certain people who could help me get through those trying moments.

Until I was forty-two, I thought there was nothing I could do about my condition. Then, I learned that I need not be stuck this way because that was not part of God’s plan for me.

I began to study the Word and did everything I knew and trusted God for a complete restoration. Over the next fourteen years, I made some progress, but I was frustrated and blamed myself because I did not know what else to do.

When I was fifty-six, I discovered the gospel of grace as I began watching Pastor Prince’s broadcasts regularly. I began to focus on Jesus and His finished work at the cross. While I was doing this, the Holy Spirit began to transform me.

Recently, when my husband and I visited a new church, the pastor asked all the visitors to stand to be welcomed. We stood and greeted those around us.

It was not until we had sat down that I realized I was feeling perfectly fine all that time. I did not mind standing with everyone looking at us—I was not embarrassed to be the center of attention and I was comfortable being greeted by and greeting those sitting closest to us.

I also realized that I’d not dreaded the thought of going to a new church or meeting new people. I did not spend time praying and preparing myself for the experience, nor did I ask my husband to stay close and help me through any awkward moments like I did in the past. The entire experience was painlessly “shy-free”!

I realized that I am becoming more stable and secure, and I am being transformed more and more into Jesus’ image without any struggle or frustration! Hallelujah! God’s ways are so much higher than ours!

My friend, I want to repeat this powerful truth: when you see His grace, God will see your faith. For Myra, faith for complete restoration was no longer a struggle filled with frustration when she saw Jesus and His finished work!

The same is true for you. Faith will spring forth unconsciously, and you will walk in true victory over every area of defeat in your life today!


Daily Grace Inspiration is a daily devotional written by Joseph PrinceHe is the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. [ more..]

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