John Hagee Daily Devotional for Today Is Published to Inspire and Uplift You Each Day as You Receive Insight Into God’s Word. Please Read, Pray and Share This Devotional with Someone Today.

The reference of John Hagee Daily Devotion for 12th December 2023 is ”1 Peter 2:2-3”
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE : 1 Peter 2:2-3
…as newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
Before we sit down to eat, we must wash our hands. No filth from the outside should go inside. Once we are clean, we are free to enjoy the tasty dishes.
God desires to feed us with good things, but if we have unclean hands, we cannot receive the blessings that He has stored up for us. Our hands are cleaned by the washing of the water of the Word.
Peter encouraged the New Testament believers to desire the pure milk of the word so that they could grow in their faith. When we bring new babies home from the hospital, we feed them milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That is the only food they can digest.
As new believers, the only food we should desire and digest is the Word of God. It will cleanse and cause us to develop. Expect growing pains. When it reminds us to repent and change, we will be required to make choices. Will we decrease so that He might increase? Will we deny ourselves to follow Him?
As we are washed, we can lift up holy hands without fear or doubt. He will pour good things into those clean hands. Taste and see that the Lord is gracious!
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Be nourished by the milk and meat of His Word to grow strong and healthy in Christ. Taste of His goodness and tell of His glory!
Today’s Bible Reading:
Old Testament
Amos 7:1-9:15
New Testament
Revelation 3:7-22
Psalms & Proverbs
Psalm 131:1-3
Proverbs 29:23
John Hagee Devotional is written by Pastor John Charles Hagee who has served the Lord as a minister of the gospel for over 63 years. He is a fifth-generation pastor and the 47th descendant of his family to serve in the ministry since they immigrated to America in the mid-1700’s. Pastor Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 active members. Read more.
John Hagee’s Devotional for today was shared by www.TheDevotionals.com.ng