John Hagee Daily Devotional for Today Is Published to Inspire and Uplift You Each Day as You Receive Insight Into God’s Word. Please Read, Pray and Share This Devotional with Someone Today.

The topic and Bible reference for John Hagee Daily Devotion for today 9th March 2025 is “1 Samuel 17:47”
Today’s Scripture : 1 Samuel 17:47
Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.
King David is the quintessential example of a warrior. Even as a boy, he demonstrated remarkable courage and faith in God.
In 1 Samuel 17, he stands on the hillside overlooking the Valley of Elah. Below him stands Goliath, the mammoth giant, who mocks God and taunts the Israelites. “Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us” (verse 9). While the grown men around him trembled in fear, courage blossomed in David’s heart.
He remembered the cause for which Israel fought. He looked at his older brother, Eliab, and those around him, “Is there not a cause?” (verse 29). Why would Israel not stand up to Goliath? God had not brought them this far to hand them over to Goliath. David’s courage hardened into conviction: God would deliver them from the blasphemous giant.
David developed his battle plan. He went to the brook and selected five stones. Was this in case he missed? No! Bible scholars tell us that Goliath had four brothers. David was sending a message. He was not going down to the valley to start a fight; he was going to finish one!
David marched out to meet Goliath with five smooth stones and a slingshot. Goliath scoffed at the sight of the lad: “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” (verse 43). David sized him up, but he did not flinch. He knew where his strength originated. He had no doubt in Whose name he stood. He confidently called out to the mammoth: “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” (verse 45). One smooth stone sailed unerringly through the air to bring down a formidable foe.
Across the centuries, a triumphant cheer still rises in our hearts! If God came to David’s aid, certainly He will come to ours. In the face of our invincible enemies, God can bring them to dust with something as simple as a small stone.
Heavenly God, I choose to be a warrior for the King of kings. I believe the battle belongs to You. I march out to meet my enemy in the name of the Lord. Victory is mine through Christ Jesus. In that mighty name… Amen.
Today’s Bible Reading:
Old Testament
Numbers 11:24-13:33
New Testament
Mark 14:22-52
Psalms & Proverbs
Psalm 52:1-9
Proverbs 11:1-3
John Hagee Devotional is written by Pastor John Charles Hagee who has served the Lord as a minister of the gospel for over 63 years. He is a fifth-generation pastor and the 47th descendant of his family to serve in the ministry since they immigrated to America in the mid-1700’s. Pastor Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 active members. Read more.
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John Hagee’s Devotional for today was shared by www.TheDevotionals.com.ng