John Hagee Daily Devotional for Today Is Published to Inspire and Uplift You Each Day as You Receive Insight Into God’s Word. Please Read, Pray and Share This Devotional with Someone Today.

The reference of John Hagee Daily Devotion for 1st October 2024 is ”Revelation 6:9”
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE : Revelation 6:9
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.
Ignatius, the pastor of the church at Antioch, called himself Theophorus or God Bearer. For confessing that Christ lived in his heart, he was escorted to Rome in chains by a company of soldiers. There in the Colosseum, before thousands of cheering spectators, he was devoured by lions for his unshakable faith in God.
Perpetua was a 22-year-old mother and young believer preparing for baptism when she was arrested for refusing to worship the Roman empire’s deities. She cared for her infant son in prison until conditions forced her to entrust him to her mother and brother.
Her father, a pagan, visited her in prison and begged her to denounce her faith and live, but she refused. She calmly faced a raging bull in the amphitheater, straightening her tunic and her hair, to die with dignity for the faith that took her home.
The souls of those who were slain for holding fast to their witness of the Word of God now reside under the altar of heaven. They cry out to the Lord, wondering when He will avenge their blood. In Revelation 6, they are given white robes and encouraged to rest quietly for a while longer until their fellow servants on earth are martyred and join them in heaven.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! May you hold fast to the confession of your faith without wavering. He Who promised is faithful!
Today’s Bible Reading:
Old Testament
Isaiah 62:7-65:25
New Testament
Philippians 2:19-3:3
Psalms & Proverbs
Psalm 73:1-28
Proverbs 24:13-14
John Hagee Devotional is written by Pastor John Charles Hagee who has served the Lord as a minister of the gospel for over 63 years. He is a fifth-generation pastor and the 47th descendant of his family to serve in the ministry since they immigrated to America in the mid-1700’s. Pastor Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 active members. Read more.
John Hagee’s Devotional for today was shared by www.TheDevotionals.com.ng