Joel Osteen daily devotional for today is here. Joel Osteen daily devotional helps you start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you!. Enjoy this encouraging devotional thoughts and inspiring message by Joel Osteen. Read and share with someone.

The Topic of Joel Osteen Devotional for 10Th March 2023 Is “ Know who you are for sure”
SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 17:45, NIV
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
Click Here to Read Yesterday’s Message by Joel Osteen
At seventeen years old, David heard the giant Goliath taunting the Israelite army. Goliath was twice David’s size, the Philistine’s most skilled warrior, wearing a full set of armor. David had no military experience, no armor, no sword, just a slingshot. The HOW seemed impossible. But David understood that the HOW wasn’t up to him. He said, in effect, “Goliath, the odds look like they’re against me, but I have an advantage. I know who I am. I belong to the Most High.” He didn’t focus on the HOW, he focused on the WHO, and he brought Goliath down.
When you know you belong to the Most High God, you’ll defeat giants. When you face situations that you don’t see how they can work out, you shift your perspective from the HOW to the WHO. There’s no giant too big for Him—no sickness too great, no addiction too powerful, no obstacle too strong. When you know the HOW is not up to you, you live from a place of faith, knowing God will show out in your life.
Father, thank You that when the challenges in my way look bigger, stronger, and more powerful than I can handle, I can focus on how great You are. Thank You that I am Your child and it’s not up to me. I believe You being for me is more than anything that comes against me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Read today’s Word By Joel Osteen – Joel Osteen Daily Inspirational Message
Joel Osteen Devotional is written by Joel & Victoria Osteen. He is an American televangelist, theologian, speaker, and author who attracted millions of followers with his simple and positive sermons and his best-selling books….read more.
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