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Christmas Service at First Baptist Church Texarkana Live Broadcast December 25th 2023

Watch the Christmas Sunday worship service at First Baptist Church, Texarkana live online without any hassle. Live broadcasts of their Sunday Service is made available from their headquarter at 3015 Moores Ln, Texarkana, TX 75503, United States.


Jeff Schreve Sunday Service
Jeff Schreve

Christmas Service Times at First Baptist Church, Texarkana 25th December 2023

What time is First Baptist Church, Atlanta Sunday Service?

You can take part in the First Baptist Church of Atlanta’s online service this Sunday and experience the word of God and its life changing effect. Their Sunday service schedules are as follows:

1st Service: 9:15 am In-person
2nd Service: 10:30am In-person

All times stated are at the Central Daylight Time (CDT)

The service will be available for online livestream by 4:15pm

How Do I Connect to First Baptist Church, Texarkana Christmas Service 25th December 2023?

You can click the play button below to start watching the First Baptist Church, Texarkana Sunday service via their live broadcast.

First Baptist Church, Texarkana Live
First Baptist Church, Texarkana Live

You can also click here to watch on YouTube or Facebook

First Baptist Church, Texarkana Sunday Service Ministers 25th December 2023

Who will be ministering Live this Sunday at the First Baptist Church, Texarkana?

Pastor Jeff Schreve is the main minister and speaker at the First Baptist Church, Texarkana, and you can expect to be blessed by his ministration today. Other prominent ministers include Chris Schroeder – Teaching Pastor, Quinn Stanfill – Worship Pastor, Bryan Bixler – Care & Connections Pastor, Ben Hill – Discipleship Pastor, Cross Bright – College & Student Pastor, Stephanie Bright – Minister to Children.

Extracts From First Baptist Church Daily Devotional For Today


 Luke 10:41-42

Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one.

Are you starting to feel the Christmas rush? Do you have so much to do, and so little time to get it all done? Many have shopping to do. and parties to attend. and pageants to participate in. and trips to take to visit relatives. and food to prepare. and work to finish up. and more and more to get done before December 25th. Sometimes in the Christmas rush you can lose your joy and peace. and secretly long for it to be over.


Martha of Bethany was a dear lady who loved Jesus, yet she got all worried and bothered in her service for the Lord. She was cooking a meatloaf dinner for Jesus. and she wanted it to be just perfect. “I’m fixing meatloaf for the Master,” she said. At first the emphasis was on her guest, the Lord Jesus, but slowly her emphasis shifted to the meal.

She lost her joy and peace because she got all focused on her meatloaf rather than her Master.

She was mad as a hornet that her sister, Mary, had left the kitchen to sit at the Lord’s feet and listen to His word. and she told Jesus to reprimand Mary and get her back to work. Surprisingly, Jesus gently reprimanded Martha. He told her that Mary was in the right, and she was in the wrong.

What was Martha’s problem? Her priorities were not His priorities. Her “to do” list had lots of things on there that Jesus did not think were very important. She was worried and bothered because her plate was so full of stuff. stuff that God never authorized. Could that be true of you?

This Christmas, make sure to stop and look at your “to do” list. Is your list crammed full of what you think is important, or what He thinks is important? Are you worried and bothered about a lot of things that really don’t matter all that much? Are you focused on the meatloaf, or the Master? Is the main thing still the main thing for you?

Jesus really is the reason for the season. Take time everyday to get alone with Him. Sit at His feet in quietness and adoration. Read His word and talk to Him from your heart. Play some praise music and sing those words of worship back to Him. He inhabits the praises of His people.

You will be amazed at how your stress level will melt away to perfect peace as you keep Christ first and foremost in your Christmas. Remember, He is the Prince of Peace. If you are not experiencing peace right now, it is because the Prince is not reigning in your heart. Follow Mary’s lead and yield to Him today. You will be so glad that you did.

For more Jeff Schreve devotional Click here.

About First Baptist Church, Texarkana

First Baptist Church Texarkana is a bible believing church, who is in agreement with spiritual ordinances and believe in Baptism alongside loving God, people and serving the purpose of the kingdom. Worship with First Baptist Church and experience an upsurge in God’s presence.


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