From His Heart devotional proclaims real truth, real love and real hope from the loving heart of God to the lost and hurting to lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Read and share with someone today.

The Topic of Jeff Schreve Devotional Teaching for Today 16th March 2023 Is “What He’s Done for You and Me”
Today’s Scripture by Jeff Schreve: Hebrews 12:2
“… fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author [archegos] and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
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Have you ever heard a song that just sticks with you through the years?
I can remember very vividly going to church on a Sunday night in the late 80’s and hearing a song from Psalm 40. The refrain was, “Whoa oh, oh, oh, what’s He’s done for me … I never will forget what He’s done for me.”
Do you know what He’s done for you and me?
Hebrews 12:2 tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus because He is the author of faith. The Greek word for author is archegos, a word that can also be translated founder, leader, or prince. This word is beautifully pictured in maritime terms.
Ships in the first century had an archegos on board. The archegos was the man who could swim the strongest. When the ship would approach land, sometimes the wind and the waves would prevent the ship from actually reaching shore. In those instances, the archegos was called upon to save the day and get the passengers safely off the ship.
This man would take a long rope and tie one end to the ship and the other to his waist. He would dive into the billowing sea and fight through the wind and waves to reach the shore. Once ashore, he would take that rope and tie it to an immovable rock or a sturdy tree to make a way for the passengers to safely cross.
Jesus is our archegos. He willingly dove into the waters of sin and death for you and me. He was under the water for a long time. His followers thought He was gone forever, and their hopes and dreams were crushed. But on the third day, He rose again in power and great glory! He faced death and won in a landslide. He made a way for us to safely cross over to heaven’s shore.
Was it easy for Him to take that rope and dive into those filthy, stormy waters? No! As a matter of fact, Luke tells us He was in agony, “and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling upon the ground” (Luke 22:44). In the Garden of Gethsemane, He painfully wrestled in prayer over the bitter cup of sin that was before Him. He said, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). The silence from heaven let Him know there was no other way. And Jesus willingly, obediently, lovingly dove in to the putrid waters of sin and death to make a way for you and me! No wonder we sing, “Hallelujah, what a Savior!”
Take time today and thank Jesus for what He has done for you. Live every day in awe of His love and sacrifice. And remember, because Jesus is our archegos, all those who have received Him will one day mock at death and say, “O death where is your victory, O death where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55). Our heavenly archegos has defeated death and invites you and me to share in His victory. Praise the Lord!
Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries
About the Author.
From His Heart Devotional Is Written by Dr. Jeff Schreve for The from His Heart Ministries. From His Heart provides real truth, love and hope on over 700 radio stations each day, in 182 countries each week on TV, and is always available online….Read more…
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