Seek God Early

From His Heart Devotional By Jeff Schreve Saturday 18th February 2023 – Taking Your Christianity To Work


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Jeff Schreve Devotional

The Topic of Jeff Schreve Devotional Teaching for Today 18th February 2023 Is “Taking Your Christianity to Work”

Today’s Scripture by Jeff Schreve:  Colossians 3:23-24

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”

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Did you know that the vast majority of people in this world do not like their jobs? Most people work for the pay and find little pleasure in what they do for a living. As the old bumper sticker stated (ala Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), “I owe, I owe. It’s off to work I go.”

Now remember, as it relates to work, God is for it! Before Adam was given a wife, he was given a job. (Ladies, keep that in mind when you are considering a husband. If he doesn’t have a job, he is not ready to be married.) Work is a good thing that God ordained.

So, how is a Christian supposed to view work and operate at work?

1. Understand that your boss is the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what you do and who you work for, you are really working for Jesus. Colossians 3:23-24 makes that fact crystal clear. Your earthly boss may be as unreasonable and harsh as they come, but you are to work for that boss as if he/she were Jesus.

2. Understand that the Lord has wired you and gifted you for a certain type of job. I believe the reason so many people dislike their job is due to them being in a poorly matched position. Listen, don’t work a job just because it pays well. Find a job that fits your wiring. A “people person” needs to have a job working with people. A “numbers person” needs to have a job working with numbers. A “technical person” needs to be working in a technical vocation. Mark Twain once said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

3. Understand that whatever you do for a living, it is to be viewed as your ministry. All too often we look at work inside the church as sacred and work outside the church as secular. The truth of the matter is everything in your life is to be given over to the Lord. That makes the most mundane assignments—provided they are not illegal or immoral—sacred. Martin Luther said, “A dairy maid can milk cows to the glory of God.” Your job is your ministry and mission field. God wants to use you to shine for Christ out in the business world. A godly employee can make a huge impact for Christ in a company filled with unsaved people.

4. Understand that as a Christian employee, you should be giving your best to the job. We are to do our work “heartily, as for the Lord.” We never “mail it in” or simply go through the motions. We always give our very best when we are on the clock. We are honest, hard-working, dependable, encouraging, and kind. Our boss should want to clone us because we are easy to work with, respectful, and productive. An employee like that is an outstanding witness for Jesus Christ.

So, how are you doing at work? Are you giving your best? Are you shining for Jesus? Are you serving with all your heart? Are you doing what you are good at doing?

Maybe you are reading this and you sense you are in the wrong position. Seek the Lord and ask Him to open a new door that would be better-suited to your skill set and provide for your financial needs.

Maybe you have been guilty of being a poor example of a Christian while you are at work. Confess this sin and endeavor to see your job in the light of the Scripture. God will bless you as you determine to be a blessing in Jesus’ name.


Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries

About the Author.

From His Heart Devotional Is Written by Dr. Jeff Schreve for The from His Heart Ministries. From His Heart provides real truth, love and hope on over 700 radio stations each day, in 182 countries each week on TV, and is always available online….Read more…

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