Turning Points Devotional with Dr David Jeremiah is a daily load of wisdom and spiritual insight to help you stay in touch with God every day. Read today’s edition below.

The Topic of David Jeremiah Devotional for today 25Th May 2023 is “Saved and Being Saved”
Scripture: Acts 4:19-20
But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”
Recommended Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Click Here to Previous Teachings by David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today 25Th May 2023
Peter was so scared to identify with Jesus that he denied even knowing Him—three times! And now post-Pentecost, he stood before the religious rulers of Jerusalem and said that he and John could not help but speak about the words and works of Jesus to which they had been witnesses.
Obviously, being empowered by the Holy Spirit is the primary explanation for Peter’s newfound courage and willingness to stand for Jesus in the public square. But it is also evidence of the ongoing and transforming power of the Gospel. When we refer to the Gospel, we usually think of salvation as an event: “I was saved.” But it is also a process: “I am being saved,” as in 1 Corinthians 1:18, “For those of us who are being saved” the Gospel is “the power of God” (CEB).
Consider both dimensions of the Gospel in your life: saved and being saved. Is there evidence of the power of the Gospel in your life?
Faith in Jesus leads to a life transformed by Jesus.
Melissa Kruger
Read-Thru-the-Bible: Esther 1 – 5
About In touch Devotional By Pastor David Jeremiah.
Turning Point With God is a Daily Devotional Written by David Jeremiah. He is the Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. A church with a vision to serve God and humanity with a strong belief that the church should be a real place, a place that is warm and relevant to the lives of real people in normal everyday situations.
Click here to read Turning Point Devotional for each day of the year 2023.
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