Turning Points Devotional with Dr David Jeremiah is a daily load of wisdom and spiritual insight to help you stay in touch with God every day. Read today’s edition below.

The Topic of David Jeremiah Devotional for today 18th January 2024 is “Power to Live”
SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.
Recommended Reading: Acts 1:8
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David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today 18th January 2024
Perhaps it happened to someone you know: a radical transformation after meeting Jesus Christ. Every life changes, but sometimes the change is so dramatic that it’s like the person was, well, born again—like the apostle Paul who went from murderous persecutor to missionary apostle. Nowhere was that change more evident than in the band of Christ’s disciples. Before Pentecost they were fearful; after Pentecost they were fearless.
What happened at Pentecost? The fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to them: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me…to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit filled the disciples and empowered them to live as bold witnesses for Christ. One of those disciples, Peter, later wrote that God’s “divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” through Christ.
If you are Christ’s today, you have power by the Spirit. You can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13).
Christianity is not merely a program of conduct; it is the power of a new life.
Benjamin B. Warfield
Read-Thru-the-Bible: Exodus 8 – 10
About In touch Devotional By Pastor David Jeremiah.
Turning Point With God is a Daily Devotional Written by David Jeremiah. He is the Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. A church with a vision to serve God and humanity with a strong belief that the church should be a real place, a place that is warm and relevant to the lives of real people in normal everyday situations.
Click here to read Turning Point Devotional for each day of the year 2024.
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