Turning Points Devotional with Dr David Jeremiah is a daily load of wisdom and spiritual insight to help you stay in touch with God every day. Read today’s edition below.

The Topic of David Jeremiah Devotional for today 13th September 2024 is “Get Them Started”
SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Recommended Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
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David Jeremiah Daily Devotional for Today 13th September 2024
In Proverbs 22:6, the Hebrew word for “train up” means to dedicate or to initiate—that is, to “get them started.” “Train” is based on a Hebrew word that referred to the palate, gums, or roof of the mouth. When a Hebrew baby was born, the mother would rub sweet date juice inside the infant’s mouth to stimulate the sucking reflex—to “initiate” the behavior needed to breastfeed.
Just as a child can be stimulated to take his mother’s milk, so Solomon says that a parent should stimulate the child as he grows to take wise paths in life. Just as date juice can be an incentive to feed, so other incentives can be used to motivate a child to make wise choices in life.
The parents’ wise choices and the rewards that come from wisdom are the primary incentives God ordains for motivating a child to follow a wise path (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Yes, there will be stumbles and wrong turns in a child’s life. But if the wise path is established early on, a child is more likely to return to it.
Train [your children] in the way they should go and not in the way they would go.
J. C. Ryle
About In touch Devotional By Pastor David Jeremiah.
Turning Point With God is a Daily Devotional Written by David Jeremiah. He is the Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. A church with a vision to serve God and humanity with a strong belief that the church should be a real place, a place that is warm and relevant to the lives of real people in normal everyday situations.
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