Chuck Swindoll’s ‘Insight for Today’ Daily Devotional is here. Insight for Today provides practical, relevant insight into today’s issues with Biblical principles applied. This devotional will help you connect with God on a daily basis, while also equipping you with a Bible-based approach to transforming your everyday life. Insight for Today” is a daily devotional written by Chuck Swindoll.

The Topic of Chuck Swindoll Daily Devotional 3RD OCTOBER 2023 is “Wise Protection”.
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 25:1–19
So David’s young men returned and told him what Nabal had said. “Get your swords!” was David’s reply as he strapped on his own. Then 400 men started off with David, and 200 remained behind to guard their equipment. (1 Samuel 25:12–13)
Four hundred men! That’ll probably handle Nabal, don’t you think? When you overdo something in our house, we have a saying, “You’re killing a roach with a shotgun.” You kill the roach all right, but you blow the wall out at the same time. Hey, nobody puts on a sword just to have a discussion, so we have a pretty good idea what’s going through David’s mind here. But talk about overkill! There’s no need to take four hundred men to squash one tightwad. David has lost control.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, put yourself in Abigail’s sandals. Candidly, this could be her opportunity to get rid of an obnoxious loser of a husband! She gets word from the servants that David is going to finish him off. She could say something spiritual like, “Oh, I better pray about this.” Those thundering hoofbeats are coming down the hill, and she’s in there praying, “Lord, take him swiftly!” It’s her chance! After all, Nabal has set himself up for this! It’s time he learned a lesson.
That’s the way a carnal wife (or a carnal husband) thinks. That’s the way a carnal employee thinks. “Now’s my chance. He’s vulnerable, and it’s all his fault anyway. How great is this?” Depravity on parade. Instead, observe what happens.
But one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal’s wife, saying, “Behold, David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, and he scorned them. Yet the men were very good to us, and we were not insulted, nor did we miss anything as long as we went about with them, while we were in the fields. They were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the time we were with them tending the sheep. Now therefore, know and consider what you should do, for evil is plotted against our master and against all his household; and he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him.” (1 Samuel 25:14–17)
About Chuck Swindoll Daily Devotional “Today’s Insight”.
Today’s Insight is written by Chucks Swindoll. Chuck Swindoll has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God’s Word and His grace. Since 1988 he has served as the founder and senior pastor-teacher of Stonebriar Community Church in Texas, but his listening audience extends far beyond a local church body. The radio broadcast of this devotional program has aired for more than 35 years. Read more.
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