Chuck Swindoll’s ‘Insight for Today’ Daily Devotional is here. Insight for Today provides practical, relevant insight into today’s issues with Biblical principles applied. This devotional will help you connect with God on a daily basis, while also equipping you with a Bible-based approach to transforming your everyday life. Insight for Today” is a daily devotional written by Chuck Swindoll.

The Topic of Chuck Swindoll Daily Devotional 13TH OCTOBER 2023 is “True Freedom”.
Scriptures: 2 Samuel 6:16–23
David retorted to Michal, “I was dancing before the LORD, who chose me above your father and all his family! He appointed me as the leader of Israel, the people of the LORD, so I celebrate before the LORD. Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes! But those servant girls you mentioned will indeed think I am distinguished!” (2 Samuel 6:21–22)
Why in the world would they get so excited about it? Because they’re free. When you obey, you’re free. When you disobey, you’re in bondage. All around us we see individuals in bondage because they’re in sin, and all they talk about is freedom. They’re not free. The obedient guy dancing is free.
I should warn you, when you’re really free, the people who are not so free will have trouble with your being free. Look at David’s wife in verse 16. Her husband is down there dancing and singing and shouting, and there’s Michal up in the second floor flat, frowning down on her husband. “Then it happened as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David that Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart” (2 Samuel 6:16).
Two things strike me here. Both have to do with the issue of focus; one is horizontal, and one is vertical. David’s eyes were on the Lord; Michal’s eyes were on other people.
First, the better you know where you stand with the Lord, the freer you can be. When you do the homework, you find out where you stand with your Lord, and when you follow His plan, then you are free. I mean really free! Many won’t understand, of course. To some, you will be seen as independent—a maverick. You’ll be misunderstood. Like David with his own wife. But you won’t care that much about public opinion either. You’ll care mainly about the Lord’s opinion. There is no freedom like the kind He provides. In a word, it’s grace.
Second, the freer you are before the Lord, the more confident you will become. When you know where you stand, that is real security.
Knowing where you stand before the Lord leads to true freedom. Being free before the Lord, you will become confident, and that is genuine security.
About Chuck Swindoll Daily Devotional “Today’s Insight”.
Today’s Insight is written by Chucks Swindoll. Chuck Swindoll has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God’s Word and His grace. Since 1988 he has served as the founder and senior pastor-teacher of Stonebriar Community Church in Texas, but his listening audience extends far beyond a local church body. The radio broadcast of this devotional program has aired for more than 35 years. Read more.
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