Seek God Early

Billy Graham Devotional 15th March 2025 – Ready For A Breakthrough


Billy Graham daily devotional is here.  Enhance each day with verses from the Bible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. You will find the strength, peace and comfort you need to strengthen your walk with Christ..

Billy Graham Devotional

Topic of Billy Graham Devotional for 15th March 2025 Is “Ready for A Breakthrough”

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 13:20,21 (TLB)

. . . may the God of peace . . . produce in you through the power of Christ all that is pleasing to him . . .


When I was a boy, radio was just coming of age. We would gather around a crude homemade set and twist the three tuning dials in an effort to establish contact with the transmitter. Often, all the sound that came out of the amplifier was the squawk of static; but we knew that somewhere out there was the unseen transmitter, and if contact was established and the dials were in adjustment, we could hear a voice loud and clear.

After a long time of laborious tuning, the far distant voice would suddenly break through and a smile of triumph would illuminate the faces of all in the room. At last we were tuned in!

In the revelation that God established between Himself and us, we can find a new life and a new dimension of living, but we must “tune in.” There are higher levels of living to which we have never attained. There is peace, satisfaction, and joy that we have never experienced. God is trying to break through to us. The heavens are calling. God is speaking! Let man hear.

Prayer for the day
Lord, help me to be so attuned to Your will that I will experience all that You so lovingly wish to bestow.

Today’s Billy Graham devotional is written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same read more

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