Seek God Early

Billy Graham Devotional 30th November 2025 – His Presence


Billy Graham daily devotional is here.  Enhance each day with verses from the Bible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. You will find the strength, peace and comfort you need to strengthen your walk with Christ..

Billy Graham Devotional

Topic of Billy Graham Devotional for 30 Th November 2025 Is “His Presence”

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:10

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings . . .


W.C. Burns of India wrote, “Oh to have a martyr’s heart, if not a martyr’s crown.” Popularity and adulation are far more dangerous for the Christian than persecution. It is easy, when all goes smoothly, to lose our sense of balance and our perspective.

The important thing is to walk with Christ, to live for Christ, and to have one consuming passion—to please Him. Then, whatever happens, we know that He has permitted it in order to teach us some priceless lesson and to perfect us for His service. He will enrich our circumstances, be they pleasant or disagreeable, by the fact of His presence with us.

Prayer for the day

Lord, my soul wants to love and know You far more deeply. Forgive the times I have set my eyes on things that keep me from You.

Billy Graham Devotional for Today was Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same read more
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