Stream First Baptist Church Atlanta Christmas Eve Service 25th December 2023
Be a recipient of the blessing of the season and participate in the thrill by streaming the FBC Atlanta Christmas Eve live on this page.

Fill your home and heart with the joy of Jesus’ birth at the First Baptist Church, Atlanta Christmas Eve service. You can also tune in by streaming live online and share in the thrills of His Presence with us from whichever part of the world.
How Do I Watch Oak Hills Church Christmas Eve Service?
Click the play button below to experience the live broadcast of the Christmas Eve service ongoing at the First Baptist Church, Atlanta with our dear pastor, Pastor Anthony George:

First Baptist Church Texarkana Christmas Eve Service Times
There are two Christmas Eve Services holding at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. in-person and online. We look forward to have you in any of the two services that will be more convenient for you.