Seek God Early

Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Devotional 29th August 2024 – Do You Want To Be A Giant For God?


Adrian Rogers Devotional ( Love Worth Finding ) for today is available here. Love Worth Finding is a “profound truth simply stated”. Read and be blessed.

Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Devotional

The Topic of Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding Daily Devotional For Today 29th August 2024 is “Do You Want to Be a Giant for God? ”

Sermon: Ephesians 1:22-23.

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”


There’s no such thing as saying yes to Christ and no to the Church. It is the nature of the Christian to love. The Church and Christ are not identical, but they are inseparable, like a head and a body. You cannot love Jesus without loving what Jesus loves.

I have been to California and seen the giant Sequoia. That tree is as tall as a twenty-story building with a seventy-foot circumference. It’s giant! You would think a tree that big would have a tremendously deep taproot that would go down, down, down to keep it standing so tall and for so long. But you know what I discovered? Those trees don’t have deep taproots at all. Their roots grow very close to the surface, and the experts say the reason they have survived and grown so tall and for so long is that they grow only in groves—their roots all intertwine. When the winds come, they hold one another up.

Do you desire to be a giant for God? What would it look like to be so in the fellowship of the Church where we’re intertwined, where we love one another and care for one another so deeply that when the winds of life come, we stand strong? When you love Jesus, you’re going to love His Church.

When have you seen the Church come together in a time of difficulty?
What are some things that make it difficult for you to connect with the people in your church? How can you surrender those things to God?

Practice This

Find a way to connect to someone in your church that you don’t know well. Consider meeting for coffee or sending a card.

About LWF Devotional.

Love Worth Finding daily devotional is published by the Love Worth Finding Ministries. The ministry was founded in 1987 by Adrian Rogers where he also served as a Bible teacher.

Known for his unique ability to simplify profound truth so that it can be applied to everyday life, Adrian Rogers was one of the most effective preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. Read More

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